S.W.A.T. Ficlet: Collision Course

Jul 11, 2022 17:51

Title: Collision Course
Fandom: S.W.A.T.
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Hondo.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 316
Spoilers: Season One finale.
Summary: Hondo only has one option open to him if he wants to prevent a catastrophe.
Written For: Challenge 335: Crash at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own S.W.A.T. or the characters.

As worst-case scenarios go, a semi-truck packed with explosives being driven towards a packed farmer’s market ranks pretty high on the list. If it reaches its destination, the death toll doesn’t bear thinking about. It’ll be outright carnage. It has to be stopped, but how?

Hondo’s under no illusion about his chances of cutting the truck off; it got enough of a head start that even at top speed, he’s not gaining on it fast enough, but there’s one thing he maybe can do, if he handles it right, and that’s to trigger the explosives here, now, where there aren’t any civilians to be caught in the blast.

What he’s planning sounds crazy, probably is, but it’s the only option he has left to prevent tragedy on a potentially massive scale, so he doesn’t hesitate. He angles S.W.A.T.’s heavy armoured assault vehicle towards the trailer, flooring the accelerator as he speeds across the empty expanse of the parking lot and does what he can to brace for impact, hoping this won’t be as much of a David and Goliath situation as it seems.

Roaring across the asphalt, he steers for dead center, slamming into the semi’s trailer, and just keeps going as the explosives detonate, turning the truck into a fireball and scattering burning debris in every direction. He doesn’t stop until he’s out the other side and at what he thinks should be a reasonably safe distance.

Deliberately crashing into another moving vehicle may not be an officially sanctioned course of action under normal circumstances, but in this case it was fully justified. As smoke billows up from the burning wreckage, drifting away on the wind, Hondo’s satisfied he did the right thing. Instead of a massacre, the only casualty is the truck’s driver, and considering what he was planning, that’s no great loss.

Chalk this one up as a win for the good guys.

The End

fic, swat, fic: one-shot, ficlet, fan_flashworks, hondo, fic: pg

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