A-Team Drabble: Explosive

Jul 04, 2022 17:38

Title: Explosive
Fandom: A-Team (TV)
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Hannibal Smith
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 26: Bonfire at drabblesoup.
Spoilers/Setting: Practically any episode.
Summary: Hannibal’s on the jazz…
Disclaimer: I don’t own The A-Team, or the characters. They belong to their creators.

It really was amazing what could be achieved with a well-aimed grenade. Pin pulled, it arced through the air to land just so, and… instant carnage! The truck flipped, the driver and passenger scrabbled out as if their tails were on fire, which might’ve been the literal truth if they’d been a little slower, because… BOOM! Hell of an explosion; from truck to fireball in one simple step.

Hannibal grinned around his cigar. “Whaddaya think of that for an encore? Isn’t it great? Nothing beats a good bonfire on a cold day! I love it when a plan comes together!”

The End

a-team, fic, hannibal smith, drabble, drabblesoup, fic: g

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