Fic Of The Week - Week One Hundred And Sixty Nine

Jul 04, 2022 18:20

Okay, here's one that... Well, I am probably the only person in Torchwoodland who had never read this fic, which is rather shocking considering how popular it is, and how amazingly well it's written. Surely it's among the best Torchwood fics ever, so may I present an 8-part fic from October 2008...

Get Loved, Make More, Try to Stay Alive is by dsudis, and... is impossible to describe without massive spoilers. Yes, there is M-Preg, which I know a lot of people dislike, but done right, as it is here, with a plausible reason, it works.

Summary: "When we don't die young and violently, we die weird. Well, or all three, case in point."

If you haven't read this fic, read it now. You won't regret it.

Find in on LJ HERE

Dreamwidth HERE


Happy Reading, everybody!

fic rec, fic of the week, reading

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