Lost Girl: Ficlet: Following The Scent

Jul 01, 2022 18:12

Title: Following The Scent
Fandom: Lost Girl
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Kenzi, Dyson.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 525
Spoilers/Setting: Season One: Oh Kappa, My Kappa.
Summary: Bo is missing; Kenzi’s enlisted Dyson to help find her friend, and her mind is about to get blown yet again.
Written For: Prompt 267: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 61: Transformation.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Lost Girl, or the characters.

He’s sniffing the air, the bushes, crouching to sniff the ground, which is kinda bizarre, but hey, if it helps him track Bo then Kenzi’s down with it. Whatever. She just wishes Dyson would hurry up and do… whatever it is he’s doing because Bo is out there somewhere, in trouble, and they have to find her fast. Kenzi would’ve totally done it herself, but she’s a city girl and this is SO not the city! She wouldn’t have known where to start, so who’s a girl gonna call? Someone who knows his way around these parts. Duh.

Still, Dyson’s just all sniff sniff sniff, here, there, and everywhere, like he can smell something she can’t, and she’s starting to get impatient…

“What the hell are you doing?”

If she thought the sniffing was a bit on the weird side, when he starts taking his clothes off… Whoa! Actually, not in a bad way ‘cause Dyson looks pretty hot when he’s dressed but this just turned the heat WAY up! Kenzi’s eyes roam over his leanly muscled body as it’s revealed and maybe her mouth waters just a bit, ‘cause DAMN that’s a sight worth drooling over…

What? She’s a very discerning woman, and he’s a very sexy man; she can’t help it if she notices these things, in between snatching up the clothes Dyson’s busily shedding. There’s plenty to notice, but she does her best to pay attention to what he’s saying despite the obvious and very appealing distractions.

“The trail’s mixed with someone else’s. I can’t follow the scent like this.” Dyson rattles off instructions of what to tell Bo when they find her. There go his boots, tugged off and discarded. Kenzi grabs for them.

“Why can’t you tell her?”

AND there go his pants. WOO, commando, and nice ass, what she gets to see of it before Dyson’s off and running through the trees, naked as the day he was born, while Kenzi snatches up the rest of his duds, starts after him, and…

“Holy shit balls!” She was not expecting that!

Between one stride and the next, the man is gone, shimmered, transformed, into a goddamned wolf, big, silvery grey, and loping into the darkness as Kenzi scrambles after it… no, him, Dyson… trying to keep from losing him in the forest. He’s got an unfair advantage; all she can do is stumble along in his wake and hope she doesn’t lose track of him completely.

“That was awesome!” Okay, that was maybe a little over-excited under the circumstances, but come on, who can blame her? A gorgeous naked man turning into a wolf is not something you see every day, although if it was, she’d be SO down with that. Bring it on!

Does Bo even know about this? That Dyson’s a goddamned werewolf? A seriously hot one too... Ah, hell yeah! Watch out fae, whatever you are; here comes Team Wolf to the rescue! Just gotta keep wolf-boy in sight, wouldn’t do to get left behind in the darkness, out here in the middle of nowhere.

Dyson’s got it easy. Damn, it’s hard to run in these boots…

The End

fic, dyson, kenzi, lost girl, fic: one-shot, ficlet, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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