Title: Kryptonite
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Spike, Buffy.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 015: Downfall at sesquidrabbles.
Spoilers/Setting: After Joyce’s death.
Summary: Spike always knew a Slayer could be his downfall, but not like this!
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Drabble and a half, 150 words.
Spike has killed two Slayers in his time, that’s more than most vampires ever meet, mostly because the first time they run into one they get dusted. They underestimate the competition, and that’s a mistake you don’t get to make twice. The reason Spike’s succeeded in slaying the Slayers is that he doesn’t make that kind of mistake, or so he tells himself.
All vamps know Slayers will likely be their downfall. Okay, sometimes regular humans get lucky, or a vamp gets careless, gets caught out in the sunlight and buys the farm that way. Stronger vamps sometimes thin out the competition, but Slayers are a vamp’s kryptonite.
Spike had thought he was prepared, but there was no preparing for Buffy. She’s smart, tough, beautiful, and his sworn enemy, so why does his unbeating heart break whenever she’s hurting? He aches to comfort her. This can’t be love.
Can it?
The End