BtVS Double Drabble: Four Broken Hearts

Mar 16, 2022 17:29

Title: Four Broken Hearts
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Oz.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Lovers Walk.
Summary: Willow and Xander had only been seeking comfort from each other as they waited to die.
Written For: Challenge 363: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 62: Trapped.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

It would probably never have happened if they hadn’t been trapped and expecting to die. Xander with his head wound, Willow with her fear, and her so long unrequited crush…

They’d only meant to comfort each other, because they’d needed someone to hold on to while they awaited what they believed to be certain death, and there was no one there but themselves. What possible harm could one kiss do? They had no way out; nobody was likely to come to their rescue because no one knew where they were.

Turned out they were wrong, and while being rescued was more than welcome, why did it have to be Cordelia and Oz who found them, and why did they have to arrive at precisely the wrong moment? A few minutes earlier or later might have made all the difference.

Now four hearts were broken and might never recover. Cordy was in the hospital, refusing to see Xander, and Oz wouldn’t even speak to Willow. She’d thought she loved Xander, but the possibility of never getting back what she’d had with Oz chilled her to the bone. She couldn’t breathe.

She and Xander were facing the consequences of their own stupidity.

The End

fic, cordelia chase, oz osborne, btvs, xander harris, buffy fic, willow rosenberg, drabble, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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