Double Drabble: Irreparable

Feb 06, 2022 16:43

Title: Irreparable
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 694: Pity at tw100.
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Sometimes, it’s better if things can’t be fixed.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

The trouble with the Rift, beyond the inconvenient way it randomly dumped objects, technology, and sometimes living creatures on an unsuspecting Cardiff, was that it tended to be rather rough on the things it delivered.

Even if something was intact when it entered the time and space anomaly, chances were, when it was ejected at the other end, it would be damaged, often beyond repair. Tosh was a technological genius, but even so, there were limits to what she could do without access to suitable replacement parts.

“Look at all of these things,” Ianto sighed, gesturing to the flotsam arrayed on shelves in one section of the archives. “Every one of them is broken. A good three-quarters of everything that comes through the Rift arrives in pieces. It’s such a pity, we’ll probably never discover what most of these are.”

“In some cases that might not be a bad thing,” Jack replied, perusing the contents of one shelf. “That one’s an anti-personnel mine. If it was in working order, it would’ve left a massive crater when it arrived. And this one’s a Mendokian laser weapon designed to cook their enemies from the inside.”

Ianto frowned. “Okay, so broken is good.”

The End

fic, jack/ianto, jack harkness, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, drabble, fic: g

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