FAKE Ficlet: Abandonment Issues

Dec 17, 2021 16:35

Title: Abandonment Issues
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: Before the manga and after Vol. 7.
Summary: Now that Dee has won Ryo’s heart he hates the thought of them being apart, even for a few days.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 642: Abandoned at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Dee didn’t remember being abandoned as a baby. Why would he? He’d been a few hours old at most, too young to have been aware of anything beyond being cold and hungry.

He hadn’t felt he’d missed out on much growing up though; he’d had Mother and Jess as surrogate parents, just as good as the real thing in his opinion, and maybe better judging by the stories he heard from the other kids at the orphanage. He hadn’t been short of playmates either; he’d made friends easily, both among Mother’s other charges and at school, and yet as he’d gotten older, there’d been a vague awareness of something missing in his life.

His first date had been with a girl named Lydia, who was in his class at school. They were both twelve and had dated, if holding hands and exchanging brief kisses could be classed as dating, for almost five weeks. Then she’d decided she like Billy Patterson better and they’d broken up. Dee had merely shrugged; there were other girls, and boys too. He was never short of prospects, even after he grew up, graduated from the police academy, and became a cop, yet none of them were right. No matter how much he liked whoever he was dating, there was always something missing.

When Ryo had first come into Dee’s life, he’d just been another gorgeous guy to flirt with and try to get into bed, but as the days and weeks had passed, something had changed. Being with Ryo, whether they were working or just hanging out as friends, soon became the highlight of Dee’s days. He still lusted after his partner, but it was more than that. On the days he didn’t see Ryo, Dee felt abandoned, bereft, like a part of himself was missing. He’d put all his energy into winning Ryo’s heart, and ever since he’d finally succeeded, he’d been walking on air. Until now.

“So you’re just gonna abandon me?” Dee couldn’t believe his ears.

“It’s only for three days, Dee. You won’t even have time to miss me.”

“That’s crazy talk. I miss ya when you’re outta sight for five minutes! Nights without ya are cold and empty, three days is gonna feel like an eternity!”

Ryo laughed. “Don’t exaggerate; you sleep alone most nights anyway.”

“Only ‘cause ya don’t let me sleep over every night, and if we go to my place, ya always go home after.”

“I have Bikky to think of.”

“Yeah, I know, but three days?”

“The school’s parent and child camping trip is a big deal for Biks. He missed out last year because I couldn’t get the time off.”

Dee sighed heavily; he knew Ryo was right, Bikky had to take priority, but not seeing Ryo for three whole days and nights…

“I think maybe I have abandonment issues,” Dee said in a small voice.

“That wouldn’t surprise me; so does Bikky. Just remember though, I’ll always come back to you. That’s a promise.”

The End

Sequel: ' Three Days'

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, bikky, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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