Title: Brainwave
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Tosh.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 614: Nonstop at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The Rift is keeping everyone busy but Ianto’s had a brilliant idea.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Ianto was exhausted, but so were the rest of the team. That was how it went sometimes, working for Torchwood, protecting Cardiff and sometimes the whole planet from the things and creatures that got dragged through the Rift.
The last few days had felt like they were all working non-stop. They’d grabbed an hour or two of sleep whenever possible but it was nowhere near enough and they were all dragging, too tired to really feel hungry but forcing themselves to eat anyway because they needed the energy. At this point even regular doses of caffeine weren’t helping much. They knew it was a bad week when not even Ianto’s strongest and most potent brew could clear the haze of weariness from their minds.
“Tosh?” Ianto flopped onto the sofa beside his best friend.
“Mm?” Tosh barely stirred, staring sightlessly across the Hub.
“I’ve been thinking. Once everything settles down again, if it ever does, and we’ve caught up on our beauty sleep, there’s a new project I think we should work on. Top priority.”
That got Tosh’s attention. She turned he head, blinking up at Ianto.
“What might that be?”
“How to fit the Rift with an off switch.”
The End