FicAuthorRatingLengthSummaryRead it because:
The Years that Walk BetweenfemmequixoticNC1715kDraco finds his way after the war.*Does contain Snape/Draco flashes* Femme writes fic that tears you apart and squeezes every last drop of emotion from your soul, and this one doesn't fail to do that in SPADES. I've never been a big Snape/Anyone fan but this is dealt with so beautifully, so perfectly NEAR canon you can't help but fall for it too.
Everything ForgottenfunsconeR4kIn the wake of the war Harry has to relearn everything he's forgotten.He reaches for Draco's hand, and pulls it up to rest over his heart. It beats for you, he thinks, twining their fingers together.
Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never SungfemmequixoticR13kI sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry's still alive. Remix of
khasael Promises and
Sounds, Lines, and Meaning.It will RIP YOU APART its femme so you know the calibre of writing is fantasmical but this fic still, months after reading is stuck in my mind. Such a perfect
hd_remix of the beauty that Khasael gave us.
I Thought Of YoudacroPG131k?Draco still walks with Harry, even though he's been gone for a year.Anyway, I was telling you about the streets. I was walking, feeling the air touch my skin, and it reminded me of how you loved being held. I'd complain that I was dying of heat, and you'd just press in closer. I never pushed you off because I loved it too.
I never told you that.
Remix by
corvidae9 The Lost HeartnoeonR5.3kHarry struggles to recover after Ginny’s death and find meaning in his life. He does not expect his friendship with Draco Malfoy to be quite so meaningful.Remix of femmequiotic fic
The Years That Walk BetweenHarry's side - Grief is a country with no time. And no landmarks. All of the old griefs come back to haunt me and I don’t know where I am anymore. Time unspools; I have no sense of orientation. My life hitherto had been a life of things done and to do, not a place of reflection. I never liked thinking, and now I can do nothing but. The Alter
dragenphlyR16kDraco grows up. With difficulty. It would probably be easier if it wasn’t for Harry fucking finally clicks for Draco that these people in front of him survived the thick of the war. They are powerful. Then Weasley picks his nose, and Draco heaves a sigh of relief that the world hasn’t actually turned on its axis while he’s been having his drink.
Dear Potter Harrytreacle_tartletNC171kWhat actually was the etiquette for writing a letter like this? Draco pondered, sucking the end of his quill (a habit his father deplored as childish, which was perhaps why Draco still did it at the grand old age of twenty-three). It did seem only polite, after all; if a person gave one a gift, or a pleasant experience, it was the done thing to write them a thank-you note. Last night had certainly been pleasant.Draco is adorable in his efforts to write the perfect thank you note for a perfect shag
Emberalaana_fairR9kHarry tells his story, even though the end has not yet been written.I think I knew then that something was happening, but I wouldn't admit it. I didn't want to be different again. I'd grown up being called a freak because of magic. I'd found a home where people loved and accepted me. I didn't want to risk losing that. I didn't want to be a freak again.
I'll Find You InbetweenbsmogR6kWhen Harry is kidnapped from Hogwarts by Death Eaters and taken to Malfoy Manor, Draco will do anything to save him from Voldemort. Because without Harry, nothing else matters. AU.Scars they didn't want from a wizard they wished they didn't know existed.
The Lamp in the Cooling Roomlibby_drewR9kDraco and Harry become snared in a trap, but they're not alone. Love guides our path for reasons we can't always understand.The relationship is seen through a third party, the buildup, the nerves frayed with tension and the end to kill ALL other endings. My heart it is broken.
All His SaintssetissmaR13kIt was eleven o’clock when Harry heard the knock on the door. He very nearly didn't answer.Draco dragging a kicking and SCREAMING Harry out of self imposed exile, the beach house.. oh the beach house.
In Between LifenishizonoR8k?January 9th will never be just another day.The slow build of a relationship, the beginings of an affair that changed their world and a beloved professor in the background drawing it all together.
The Business of Shagging Harryginger_veelaNC1715kDraco is an elite purveyor of adult wizarding entertainment. When a fake memory of Harry Potter in flagrante delicto becomes a sensation, Draco sees an opportunity to make a killing - if only he can get his hands on a real one. Problem is, no one is giving up the goods. What's a self-respecting pornographer to do?Pansy at her scathing best, Draco full of the wit/sass and vulnerability that I love and a sneaky powerful Harry.
Frost on a Park Benchsaras_girlPG135kThis is Draco's park. Harry Potter has no business being here.The way Nat winds in animals and their quirks so effortlessly and these tiny captures of original characters that you get SUCH feeling for within meeting them for seconds of words, its this that makes all her fics shine.
Under the BridgeBluePG1313kToday there's no sun but a fine rain. The bridge rusts away a bit more. The river is just plain black.
And Draco can't see the bottom.He wonders how many thoughts he would have the time to think while the water fills his mouth, his lungs.
Breakdown Your Walls (You've been branded like property)mentalistecbmNC175kIt isn't some heartfelt epiphany in the Great Hall or even sudden affection for the Mudbloods and Muggles of the world. He's sitting in what the house-elves have told him is the Room of Hidden Things and realises that he no longer gives a fuck.Draco is so painfully vacant, so utterly cut off and all it takes are burning green eyes to bring him back just a SECOND from the edge
The Longest NightcoffeejunkiiR8k?Draco discovers that waiting doesn't equal hoping, and that some wishes do come true.Late one night, Harry had whispered into his ear (I can lose everyone else, but I can't lose you) in what some might have understood as a declaration of devotion, but to Draco it only confirmed that bringing him here is the most selfish thing Harry has ever done.
Packing the Flatmarguerite_26NC176.5kMonths after their explosive break-up, Draco insists Harry return to their flat to remove his belongings.The key and the little bowl it goes into, the tiny cupboard and Harry's Chudley Cannons jersey, love bites and LIES
Let's Pretend The World is Overpir8fancierPG1315k?Draco liked this part best. It didn't happen often and only with the Potter hallucination. Draco always marveled at how precise insanity was, because he could feel the slight frame of the man holding him. The pressure of a sigh against his ear.absolutely stunning. So beautifully written to the point you could feel all of insane!draco's gamut of emotions and even Harry's
Of Fire and Wind and BoggartslifesmysteryPG133kHarry left Draco with everything, and that was the cruelest thing that he could ever do.The letter on the coffee table will be the first and last of the letters you said you would pen. I will not read it. I am already a bird in a gilded cage. You will keep me, and put me down in a place that you will forget, in a place you have a good chance of remembering later. But I will not be here.
Normal PeopleklervalPG1312kHarry returns to Little Whinging, expecting another summer alone. However, his vacation is turned on its head when he meets Draco Malfoy, a Muggle boy visiting his aunt for the summer.It was soft and short, and to Harry, it felt like everything good in the world condensed: it felt like sunlight and excitement, and like answering a question correctly because you actually knew the answer rather than because you were looking over Hermione’s shoulder, and like sleep after a long Quidditch game, and like that moment after hours of searching when you finally, finally find a book that tells you exactly what you’ve been trying to figure out. The kiss lasted only a moment, but it was, Harry thought, a moment to be commemorated forever for its utter, crystalline perfection.
Nightingalemichi_thekillerNC1715k?God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.
-Jacques DevalHis eyes are wide and guileless and trusting, and filled with pure love, almost, and it almost makes Harry laugh. His eyes are all wrong. And it almost makes Harry choke.
The Price We Pay For Wings &
A Flame UndampedfrayachR 13k/5kLove is precious almost beyond wordsStill open to the inscription page, he wordlessly passes the book to his middle son whose only, and eloquent, response is to press his fingertips to the page as though somewhere beneath the ink and parchment beats a pulse that only he can feel.
Foreverenvy_venisR2kI never wanted to live a single day without you, never wanted to take a single breath of air that wasn't shared in the space between us. In my last moments of life, amid the pain, my blood, your tears, still my thoughts seemed to find some solace that it had been me and not you.I see you reach for my pillow, hugging it tightly to your chest and I want to remove all of your pain.
I think I could, if only I could touch you once more.
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