[Audio to Accidental Video] Merry Christmas, here's your sermon...

Dec 25, 2011 22:42

[Shane and Rick have gotten some Christmas Spirit and decided to include Daryl, so a quick audio transmission that is far from private is made.]

Hey Daryl, get your ass on over here, we're just crackin' this bottle of whiskey open.

[Shane believes he's shut off the device at his side as he sits it down, but has in fact left it on as he continues ( Read more... )

comment: varon de la costa, rick grimes, shane walsh

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[Video] organics_only December 27 2011, 03:52:57 UTC
[She normally wouldn't care too much that there were men being drunk asses...except that she had to listen to such a crude 'sermon' if it could even be called that. Really, her blouses may be low cut, but it wasn't like she was advertising anything.]

If you're going to be so crude, the least you could do is make sure that your phone is off.

[Her tone isn't too harsh though. There is no hope for any man to be a decent human being, why should she expect that from these two...though, she DID have hopes for Rick.]


organics_only January 3 2012, 02:31:03 UTC
I think the only thing you have to worry about is a jealous terrier.

[Hallie and herself had spent more time together than normal since she came here...actually having a real human friend was bound to get the little dog at least somewhat upset and vying for her attention.]

No, but thank you for the offer.

[She severely doubted that he had something that she'd be comfortable drinking. She was far from being a diva, but she didn't exactly care for soda and her water had to be run from a purifier before she would even consider drinking it. If anything, she was a health nut.]

Really, I'm more than capable of getting something for myself if I want it. If you want something though, feel free.

[She was the guest, he didn't have to feel uncomfortable if he wanted something to drink.]


stole_the_coop January 3 2012, 22:06:02 UTC
Well, ya are my guest, had to do the polite thing and offer. Momma raised me right.

[He winked at her and grabbed a bottle of water he had sitting on the table, holding it up with another of those grins.]

I think I'll stick to water for now, would hate to ruin good company by being unsober again.

[The deputy pushed a chair out of her to sit in and took one himself, uncapping the water and taking a drink.]

So how long ya been stuck here?


organics_only January 4 2012, 01:32:34 UTC
That may be for the best.

[It was doubtful that she would stick around if he got drunk again, especially without her really knowing him or what he's like.

As he pulled the chair out, Vivien game him a mildly impressed look. She was mildly surprised at his manners. Even some of the more refined men came off as a little rude here. It was well appreciated though.

Taking the chair he offered, she smiled softly up at him.]

I want to say I arrived some time around November...Maybe around the beginning. I'm not really sure, I mostly just locked myself in my room.

[At least until she finally got it through her head that she wasn't doing herself or anyone else any good by distancing herself.]

And yourself? You seem too comfortable to have just been here a short time and dragged away from everything you know.


stole_the_coop January 5 2012, 15:30:41 UTC
[Shane could be a blunt spoken asshole, even a bit of a male chauvinist but in the end he was raised by a southern woman and man and thus had been taught how to be a proper gentleman. When she smiled he grinned right back at her.]

I think I got here early December, it was Christmas not too long after anyway.

[He took his seat across from her and took a drink of his water.]

This place is a sight better than everythin' know and after my world goin' to hell this is an easy adjustment.

[Shane was a pro at surviving and adapting to the world around him.]


organics_only January 6 2012, 04:16:25 UTC
Easy adjustment? I can only imagine how bad your home has gotten if this is easy...

[As for her, she'd had a bit more of a difficult time. Between brat kids and rude as hell adults, she'd wanted nothing more than to go home. As much of a hell her life was at home, anywhere was better than here.]

What is it like where you're from? If I'm being too nosy, feel free to tell me. I just can't see anyone adjusting to this too easily.


stole_the_coop January 6 2012, 23:55:16 UTC
I literally live in the world gone to hell, people are dyin' and comin' back to life lookin' to take a hunk out of ya, whole world's gone to shit. Least I ain't facin' watchin' someone die every day.

[Shane shrugged, it weighed on him more than he would ever say but the deputy had a way of putting on this air of nonchalance, it was what it was type deal. He had to survive, he had to keep them safe and that was what he focused on, even if it meant making the hard decisions.]


organics_only January 7 2012, 00:15:08 UTC
[She's unusually somber while she listens to him talk about his home. No one should have to live that way..in his situation though, she could understand how he would prefer to be here.]

I'm sorry...truly. I can't even imagine what it must be like to have to go through that everyday.


stole_the_coop January 7 2012, 03:57:50 UTC
Don't be, it's life, ya just gotta grab ahold of it by the balls and give it all ya got. We're makin' it, even if I have to always be the bad guy.

[Because Shane seems to be the only one capable of shutting down the emotions and simply surviving, thinking of the best course, even if it means leaving someone behind.]

What about you, where'd you come from?


organics_only January 7 2012, 04:36:28 UTC
[Chuckling softly at his words, she was reminded how even gentlemen here could be crude. It wasn't her place to correct him though. She wasn't involved with him and there were no young ears eavesdropping.]

I'm sure you're not always the bad guy. If you were, I doubt that you would be as courteous as you have been.

[As far as she was concerned, she doubted that she'd ever see him as a bad guy. Well...unless he had a major personality change.

Her amusement faded as he mentioned her home.]

...We just moved to California. It's just...normal. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Stores....houses...annoying neighbors. [It wasn't as bad as where he was from, but she just wanted to put it all behind her and move on with her life. There had been too much sorrow, it was time to find some glimmer of happiness in her life.] Perfectly normal.


Personality Change (check) He updates soon..... stole_the_coop January 7 2012, 15:36:26 UTC
[Shane smiled and for the first time in a long time it was a genuine one that lacked the cynicism it seemed to always be tinged with these days.]

Not here maybe, but that's just because it ain't came down to makin' the hard choices yet, s'pretty tame around this place.

[Life changes a person, there were bits and pieces of what had once just been a decent man that are turning black as one decision after another chased him further down the rabbit hole. But, the good guy is still in there somewhere, so her vote of confidence helps.]

Doesn't sound like it was real good, but hey, long as you're here might as well just try to forget. You have to remember, you do what you have to do, no matter what it is and just keep going. Survival, even in normal life, you sometimes still have to survive, it ain't all roses and peaches.


>D organics_only January 7 2012, 20:34:29 UTC
I suppose that's something we can be thankful for. The manor feels a bit like a cage, but we're safe for the most part.

[She knew that life wasn't easy. She'd had to make hard decisions as well...decisions that have seemed to have just pushed people away from her and broken her family. But she was just human, same as him. Bad decisions were a part of life, and sometimes, bad decisions were the only decisions available if you wanted to salvage a happy life.]

You're preaching to the choir. I know that life is not roses and peaches. Life...it's hard, no matter what the circumstances are.

But yes, I'm fully intending to move on and forget. Even if I went back home, life wouldn't be any easier. I'm still stuck in a house that I can't leave yet and about to start something I wish I didn't have to.

I just...there are somethings that I miss. My daughter especially.


stole_the_coop January 8 2012, 00:34:19 UTC
It's one of those gilded cages.

[He smiled, listening to her words as he took another sip of his water. When she said something she did not wish to start, Shane did not meant to but his eyes strayed to her stomach. Was she unhappy in her marriage, Shane had to wonder but he did not push, if she wanted to tell him she would.]

Tell me about her, how is old she?


organics_only January 9 2012, 01:03:33 UTC
She's sixteen and a handful. [Mostly angry...but she couldn't really blame her. She knew how much stress she'd been under with the move and the tension between her parents.

Glancing over at Shane, she smiled wistfully.] I haven't seen anyone as headstrong as Violet...she refuses to back down no matter what the odds are. Even when she got into a fight at school, she chose to stay and stand her ground instead of be transferred.


stole_the_coop January 10 2012, 05:08:28 UTC
Typical teenager. That backbone will take her far. Give her a few years, she'll grow up, they all do. [He and Rick had, maybe Rick a little more than Shane but hey, someone had to have fun]

You can tell, you really love her.


organics_only January 10 2012, 05:20:07 UTC
Of course I love her...she's my world. I just wish that there was some way if I could make sure that she was alright. [Ben would cope, she had no doubts about it. But Violet...they had their differences like any mother/daughter relationship, but they were still close.]

I have no doubts that she'll do great things. She doesn't take 'no' for an answer and does anything and everything to get what she wants. She'll be successful no matter what she chooses to do with her life.

...Do you have much experience with kids?


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