25th bomb || Hayato Gokudera || [in person]

Sep 19, 2011 16:20

[At some time early in the morning, Hayato had very tentatively made his way into the kitchen with the goal of taking a weeks worth of canned goods and hoarding them in his room. After some rather unpleasant encounters last week he wanted to avoid contact with people as much as he could. The teen was SORELY disappointed to discover that all canned ( Read more... )

comment: raidou kuzunoha xiv, comment: sabaku no temari, comment: ryuutaro fukami, plot: fairy tale week, hayato gokudera, comment: rapunzel

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Comments 127

livedinatower September 19 2011, 20:26:48 UTC
[Rapunzel curiously walked around, 70ft of hair trailing along behind her and a broom placed firmly in her grasp. She wasn't sure that the people here were thus, but she was sure that they didn't seem so bad, maybe they were like Flynn.

She soon came upon the kitchen, gripping her handy broom some more as she takes a peek within. Upon seeing that there was in fact someone else in there, she moved back quickly for a moment, before peeking in again.]

He-Hello there.


killer_melon September 19 2011, 20:37:06 UTC
[Oh just his luck. People. just what he wanted to deal with.]

'The fuck do you want?

[have a glare]


livedinatower September 20 2011, 06:40:37 UTC
[Have a girl suddenly jump for a moment, broom tightening in hand.]

I'm sorry, but I'm just looking for a way out or at least I have to find my guide.


killer_melon September 20 2011, 06:43:58 UTC
[oh WONDERFUL, a newbie. Make his friggin' day]

Tch, good luck with that, if you find a way out of this shit hole let me know. As for your guide or whatever, good luck findin' him if he's eve here.

[Hello Rapunzel, meet the manor's resident douche bag.]


blackcapedfox September 19 2011, 20:26:52 UTC
[Early was a good time to sneak down for breakfast; fewer people up and about, and if you're used to keeping bizarre hours anyway...]

[So the cape was longer than he was used to and the wardrobe was different; everything important was still there.]

[And there seems to be a black, red-eyed dog's head with a long, boneless translucent body that's got its head on his shoulder and is otherwise acting like some kind of ridiculous garland.]

[He does glance over on seeing Dera's condition-]

Are you alright? [Rhetorical, yes, also testing waters a little.]


killer_melon September 19 2011, 20:39:38 UTC
[He looks over at the stranger and narrows his eyes]

I'm fan-friggin'-tastic, what's it matter to you?


And then I did the wrong-journal-for-this-game juggle again. crowspetfox September 19 2011, 21:08:43 UTC
[Friendly. At least he could say he'd had worse reactions, and it was marginally better than the reactions around Tsukigata village; at least he was being spoken to.]

I might be able to help with your injuries. [As much as it looked minor relative to what it could've been, it did look like he'd been mauled by a big cat, and that tended to hurt.]


THAT'S OKAY BIRDY... I DO THAT WITH APP ACCEPTING ALL THE TIME! killer_melon September 19 2011, 21:34:54 UTC
TCH! I don't need your friggin' help. Piss off.

[And he is lighting himself a hand-rolled cigarette there... it's a bitch lighting the thing with a match though...]


fortunatefan September 19 2011, 20:41:53 UTC
[Oh, hey there. Ryuutaro walks in, dressed in -gasp- actual Western male fairytale clothing, because he doesn't really have a choice. Make-up is on though and he somehow even managed to make those clothes look kind of female. He's talented like that.

Seeing Gokudera a) beaten up and b) kind of shirtless was usual by now. Ryuutaro smiles at him]

Good morning.


killer_melon September 19 2011, 20:59:59 UTC
[Oh god, at least ONE person he likes talking to in this place. He puts down the orange he's examining and smiles at his friend]

Hey, mornin'.

[he starts peeling the orange and pulls it in half, placing it at the seat next to him for Ryuutaro, should he decide to sit down and eat.]



fortunatefan September 19 2011, 21:07:24 UTC
That's the reason I'm in the kitchen in first place.

[Ryuutaro smirks as he sits down, but it's a friendly type of smirk. His irony might stay, but it's not really condescending with Hayato anymore.]

Thank you.

[And here he is. Actually eating. And he doesn't even hear fate ringing in his ears]


killer_melon September 19 2011, 21:28:30 UTC
[The teen smiles and digs into the orange himself. Seeing one of the VERY FEW people that actually made him happy to be around sort of made this whole ordeal suck less.]

Well at least there doesn't seem to be anything horrendously dangerous so far... at least not that I've seen.

[...and that's when he noticed something strange. There was a light flutter in the pit of his stomach, like he was excited or happy... but he couldn't quite put his finger on what...]


suna_bitch September 19 2011, 21:08:39 UTC
[While most people would be concerned if they entered the kitchen and saw a dear friend of theirs beaten and battered would show concer, Temari snarked. Yes, snarked.

See this snickering? Yeah. Totally snickering at you, 'Dera.]

Don't tell me. Another girl managed to beat you up~?

[Though, in all seriousness. Her passive aggressive attitude may be from the fact that she's been forced into a dress. Her closet held no short skirts or even pants...just completely useless dresses.]


killer_melon September 19 2011, 21:33:09 UTC
[ oh that was some refreshing honesty right there. He welcomes your snark and raises you fifty]

Ha ha, you're hilarious. I got in a cat fight, but it wasn't a girl.

[He reclines back in his chair and smirks, looking over her dress]

So, who are you supposed to be? The milk-maid?


suna_bitch September 19 2011, 23:55:51 UTC
Are you sure? You look a little like you did when we met~.

[Smirking, she moved closer and pulled out a chair for herself.

The floor may have been cool on her bare feet, but it was better than the shoes the manor offered her.]

Better to be the milk-maid than the whipping boy.


killer_melon September 20 2011, 00:33:29 UTC
Tch! I was goin' easy on you! We still need a rematch!

[He takes an apple and tosses it up and down in his hand]

Oi! I coulda whupped the guys ass if it was a fair fight.... but he used the plot to his advantage. Not much of chance when you're a house cat and he's a friggin' liger.


knifeybastard September 23 2011, 21:24:47 UTC
[Bel strolls in, looking at Gokudera at the table and the fruit he's eating. From there, the prince wanders to a piece of fruit himself, an apple and pulls out one of his knives. Slowly, methodically, he begins to peel one, another one being shoved in his jacket and he sits down right next to Gokudera.

He continues peeling as if he's not sitting next to a sworn enemy.]


killer_melon September 24 2011, 21:18:39 UTC
[And you know who just lost his appetite and is putting all the fruits away, with the exception of an orange he stuffs into his pocket]

[and now there is some intense glaring. Maybe if he glares hard enough he can pull a Mukuro and kill you with his eyes.]


knifeybastard September 24 2011, 21:34:16 UTC

[Bel grins, turning the peeled apple around to reveal it as Gokudera's face expertly etched into the pliable material- pliable to an expert knife at least.]

I'd say a good likeness.


killer_melon September 24 2011, 21:44:52 UTC
[...well it appears as though no matter HOW MUCH HATE you have for a person, unless you are Mukuro you cannot glare someone to death]

Don't you have anyone else you can harass?


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