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[1/ I don't know yet] nofishplz November 7 2010, 02:51:42 UTC
[Actually, Kaito had just been walking back into his room, with Hakuba the tribble in toe. He'd more or less given up trying to lose the thing by now.

And then he heard a familiar voice and saw a familiar person in his room.]

... Hakuba?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 04:02:44 UTC
Aoko's here too and I think I've seen that Edogawa kid around. [Ugh. This was gonna cause problems for his dealings with Tantei-kun wasn't it?]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 04:06:29 UTC
Nakamori-san is here? [You're probably not going to like that perk-up moment]

And Edogawa-kun? ...Outnumbered a touch, are we?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 04:30:32 UTC
[No he doesn't. He narrows his eyes at Hakuba when he sees that.

And he was expecting that jab when he decided to mention Conan being here. He snorted.]

Hardly. You're like a dog with a bone with that, you know. [You know what he's talking about Hakuba. It really is that annoying.]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 04:34:10 UTC
Couldn't have you thinking I'd given up, now, could I?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 04:53:20 UTC
Of course not. You just wouldn't be Hakuba if you weren't always throwing stupid accusations around.


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 04:54:53 UTC
Oh, I have my reasons for them, even if I'm in - well, even less position to act on them than usual.


nofishplz November 7 2010, 05:43:26 UTC
[Kaito deadpanned at him.] Right.


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 05:47:15 UTC
Just because I have nothing I could use legally, doesn't mean I don't have evidence.

[And then, a moment of distraction as if he hadn't just dangled that at all.] ... Is there a kitchen or somesuch around here?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 06:19:01 UTC
[Kaito was planning on ignoring that to begin with, but Hakuba's next comment distracts him for more than one reason.

He'd just been reminded that the first floor was still infested by fuzzballs.]

Er, yeah. About that...


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 06:30:09 UTC

[He doesn't like that look]

What happened to it?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 06:47:25 UTC
Um, well...

[He sighed and didn't look at the little white furrball that was innocently purring at his ankle.] The thing about the Author is she likes to come up with different ways to mess with us each week. This week we've got these annoying little pest wandering around the mansion who eat anything they can get at and multiply faster than rabbits. Some of them got into the kitchen and... the first floor isn't really accessible right now.


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 06:51:54 UTC

[ :| Oh please say you're joking.]

[You're not joking are you.]

Is there accessible food or something vaguely like it here?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 07:03:48 UTC
Not much, but I should still have something. [If the tribbles hadn't gotten to that too. He'd had a bit more luck keeping them out of his stuff than most, since apparently there were some things they wouldn't eat.

Even then he had kept some stuff on him too. That really wasn't much though.]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 07:07:11 UTC
........ How many people are here, and would it be enough to last until something can be done about the infestation?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 07:15:54 UTC
... No, it's not enough, but hopefully they should be gone by Monday, if the Author stays true to form and switches to something else by then.

I seriously doubt she'd actually let us starve anyway. That'd ruin her fun.


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