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[1/ I don't know yet] nofishplz November 7 2010, 02:51:42 UTC
[Actually, Kaito had just been walking back into his room, with Hakuba the tribble in toe. He'd more or less given up trying to lose the thing by now.

And then he heard a familiar voice and saw a familiar person in his room.]

... Hakuba?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 02:54:01 UTC
[Wait. Hakuba is here?!]

Hey! When did you get here? And what are doing in my-?!


Re: [1/ I don't know yet] nofishplz November 7 2010, 02:55:14 UTC
[Wait. There's two beds here now.]


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:01:44 UTC
[You're kidding right?!]


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:02:29 UTC
[But none of the other people around here get roommates.]


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:04:43 UTC
[Ugh. Stupid Author! She did this on purpose.]


Done! XD nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:08:18 UTC
Right. [And with that he left the room again, a confused Hakuba the tribble quickly following before he shut the door.]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 03:10:23 UTC
[The door's not shut for very long - even if Hakuba's not really thrilled about wandering out into some unknown location in nightclothes.]


[Yes, you have a very confused Hakuba-the-person trailing behind Hakuba-the-tribble.]

What's going on here?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:21:09 UTC
That stupid girl is screwing around again is what's going on. [Yeah. That probably didn't make any sense to you Hakuba, but Kaito is really annoyed right now.]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 03:22:17 UTC
Well, that confirms that you have a clue what's going on here, at least.

Who is the 'stupid girl'?


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:31:00 UTC
The Author. [Okay. Now he realizes he should probably explain.]

Basically we're trapped in a story some girl is writing and so's everyone else in this mansion. [Yeah, he knows Hakuba's gonna be a bit skeptical about that answer, but it's the truth, as far as he knows, so whatever.]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 03:33:50 UTC

[Blink. Blink.]

[Only since he started chasing you, Kaito.]

[You're lucky Akako's caused him to create a little mental category for "does not make sense but w/e", and if you're pranking him, he will find out.]

I take it you don't have any more clue how we got here than I do right now? [Seeing as how you're ... you know ... still here.]


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:40:49 UTC
[Yeah, good thing. It'd be annoying arguing with him about whether he was pulling his leg or not. As it is he'll see for himself he's not.]

Nope. Not a clue. [And he'd been here for what? Four weeks now? It's pretty irritating that he hasn't figured out what's going on or found a way back home yet.]


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 03:52:44 UTC
And apparently this "Author" decided we should be living together while we're here? [PS: you know that "urge to choke him rising" smile? It's starting to show up.]


nofishplz November 7 2010, 03:56:02 UTC
[Kaito just gave him a look. Ugh there was that stupid smirk of his again.] Yes. Apparently.


stalker_horse November 7 2010, 03:57:32 UTC
[sometimes, Kaito, you make yourself an easy target.] Is there anyone else we'd know here, or is it just the two of us?


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