
Jan 15, 2018 07:28

I have not yet got the hang of mornings again. This whole getting up and getting ready thing is killing me. It's definitely not helping that the world outside my duvet is cold and dark and my duvet is warm and snuggly and loves me ( Read more... )

goals, ben browder, the morning wibble, dreams, life, sleep, amanda tapping, emma watson, kavan smith

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Comments 3

brunettepet January 15 2018, 15:54:54 UTC
Good luck finding a routine that works for you.


snogged January 15 2018, 19:06:06 UTC
Those dreams sound pretty crazy.

I's hard to leave the covers.


icecoldrain January 16 2018, 04:07:19 UTC
It's always harder to get up when your bed is nice and cozy and it's cold outside of your blankets. Plus, if it's still dark out? Man. I need light to get up. I just have to get up and turn my light lol.


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