Fandom meme stolen from aravishermione

May 19, 2016 18:48

This evening I have all the free time (yay, and god it feels good) and I'm settling down on my couch with my laptop and starting a catch-up of my flist. And then hopefully staying on top of things from now on because that would be pretty damn awesome, really.

While I do that, I shall leave you with the following:

comment with a fandom (or more ( Read more... )

dreamwidth, livejournal, fandom, meme

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Comments 11

1_rhiannon_1 May 19 2016, 17:40:32 UTC
Do you have a list of fandoms to choose from?


badfalcon May 19 2016, 17:44:57 UTC
Well, I try and watch pretty much everything but.. sure hold on, I'll edit the post :)


1_rhiannon_1 May 19 2016, 17:57:46 UTC
Ah, perfect! Let's go with the Librarians :-)


badfalcon May 19 2016, 19:16:14 UTC
The Librarians... oooh okie dokie

the character i least understand um... probably Ezekiel
interactions i enjoyed the most Jake & Cassandra
the character who scares me the most I think I'm actually going to have to say Jenkins
the character who is mostly like me I definitely share Flynn's love for learning but I don't think there really is one
hottest looks character Cassandra ♥
one thing i dislike about my fave character I've stumbled to a point where I'm trying to decide who my favourite character is...
OK sometimes her clothing choices are... interesting, shall we say
one thing i like about my hated character Not so much hated as haven't connected with, but his passion
a quote or scene that haunts me The whole Dorian Gray/social media theme one chilled me
a death that left me indifferent Lamia
a character i wish died but didn’t Did Moriarty die?
my ship that never sailed Cassandra/Jake

This meme tells me I'm due a rewatch of this show.


xspike4evax May 19 2016, 17:53:36 UTC

Harry potter.


icecoldrain May 19 2016, 20:35:52 UTC
Doctor Who!


aravishermione May 19 2016, 21:59:20 UTC
SGA and Criminal Minds!


honeyjojames May 19 2016, 22:54:28 UTC
Leverage! (Mainly because I haven't watched or have barely watched any of the others - what is wrong with me?!)
Also *smishes* just because.


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