Fandom meme stolen from aravishermione

May 19, 2016 18:48

This evening I have all the free time (yay, and god it feels good) and I'm settling down on my couch with my laptop and starting a catch-up of my flist. And then hopefully staying on top of things from now on because that would be pretty damn awesome, really.

While I do that, I shall leave you with the following:

comment with a fandom (or more than one) & I'll answer:
the character i least understand
interactions i enjoyed the most
the character who scares me the most
the character who is mostly like me
hottest looks character
one thing i dislike about my fave character
one thing i like about my hated character
a quote or scene that haunts me
a death that left me indifferent
a character i wish died but didn’t
my ship that never sailed

Now, I try and watch pretty much everything but off the top of my head, my main fandoms would be:
Stargate SG1, SGA, NCIS/LA/NO, The Librarians, Saving Hope, Lucifer, Leverage, Bones, Castle, Harry Potter, Grey's Anatomy, Star Wars, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Torchwood, White Collar, MCU, DC TV shows, Criminal Minds, Nashville...
It's probably easier to say I don't watch The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones LOL

dreamwidth, livejournal, fandom, meme

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