A Good Day

Mar 05, 2016 20:17

Despite the lack of sleep last night, today has been a good day. And that's something I don't say often enough. Good days are nice to have, so I thought I'd tell you. You always listen to me ranting about my bad days so sharing the good days too, is important.

It didn't quite go as planned. I did not get my bedroom tidied. I did however, get ( Read more... )

random, house, tv, hobbies, amara, depression, writing, music

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Comments 8

tigtogiba34 March 5 2016, 21:05:43 UTC
Hooray good happy post! Props to you for getting so much done and feeling so good about yourself for it, which you should.

And I'm sorry but that metaphor for your handwriting made me laugh til my stomach hurt ♥ it felt good.


badfalcon March 7 2016, 21:57:04 UTC
*grins* I once had a German teacher who accused me of writing in Hieroglyphics - yeah, it really is appalling sadly. Glad the metaphor made you laugh!


gelsey March 5 2016, 22:26:48 UTC

Yay productivity! So glad you had a good day. Go you.


badfalcon March 7 2016, 21:57:23 UTC
It felt SO good! :D


honeyjojames March 6 2016, 00:23:18 UTC
Woohoo for good days! Also, with you on the dreadful handwriting thing - usually even I struggle to decipher what the hell it says! Had never thought of trying to improve it but that's an excellent idea, might have a go at that!
*smishes Llama*


badfalcon March 7 2016, 21:58:36 UTC
I can now write the letter l, i, t, c, o and a. And it's weird seeing the progress in just a couple of lines of writing! I also bought a pack of handwriting practice books so I could do the exercises a few more times than just in the workbook


sallymn March 6 2016, 00:27:13 UTC
My handwriting was always shonky (and let's be honest, we all have gotten worse with the rise of the keyboard and lack of practice) though I do remind myself of the supervisor I had once - occasionally I would take him one of his handwritten instructions with a "please, what on EARTH does that say???" and HE couldn't decipher his own writing...


badfalcon March 7 2016, 21:59:29 UTC
I don't think mine's ever been so bad that Ican't read it... that's pretty impressive!


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