A Good Day

Mar 05, 2016 20:17

Despite the lack of sleep last night, today has been a good day. And that's something I don't say often enough. Good days are nice to have, so I thought I'd tell you. You always listen to me ranting about my bad days so sharing the good days too, is important.

It didn't quite go as planned. I did not get my bedroom tidied. I did however, get caught up on laundry and completely blitzed my living room. Took out the trash and piles of recycling. Tidied, dusted, polished, vacuumed. A little bit of furniture rearranging. Cleared off all the stuff that had been dumped on the coffee table and the desk. Gave away my old TV on Freecycle. Finally got my Steenwyck up on the wall - with a little bit of help from Andy, who came and got the TV!

And, you know what? It looks fantastic. I'm back in love with my favourite room in my flat. I'd forgotten how big it was when it wasn't cluttered.

You see, my living room hadn't been touched since mum died. A lot of her stuff, a LOT of her paperwork just got dumped. Some of it's been sorted through but I will be honest and say I moved the majority of it into the spare room - where all the rest of it is - and closed the door again. That will be looked at again when I feel up to it.

The other main thing I did today was practice my handwriting.
I have utterly appalling handwriting. It looks like a drunken seven legged spider rolled around in ink and ran across the page. In an effort to improve it, I've bought one of those children's handwriting practice books - trace the letter, copy these words out, lather rinse repeat. I've only done the first lesson - letters i, t, and l - but I can actually already see the improvement in the exercises so that's pretty cool!

Very randomly, too. I was talking to
ravensword on gchat and she was saying that she bought a recorder yesterday after reading a post on facebook about a friends kid bringing one home from school. And now I'm having a fit of nostalgia... I used to play recorder in school but can't remember how at all and caught myself poking Amazon. Quite when I think I'm going to have enough hours in the day to re-learn that, I don't know... but it could be a lot of fun!

I've written my to-do list for tomorrow - I'm determined to keep this motivation rolling and will tidy my bedroom damnit - and I think now I'm going to curl up with my wordsearch book and press play on some Andromeda.

random, house, tv, hobbies, amara, depression, writing, music

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