The one where Cassie rambles about pretty people in procedural crime dramas

Apr 09, 2015 19:28

I am ridiculously behind on all my TV shows (and on an unrelated note, keep meaning to make a post about what I'm watching and where I'm up to) but have been catching up a lot on NCIS, NCIS LA and Criminal Minds. Today has very much been a Criminal Minds kinda day. I've watched like 4 episodes, almost done with a 5th ( Read more... )

tv, criminal minds, cassie is a geek, ncis, fandom, ncis la, michelle trachtenberg

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Comments 4

denorios April 9 2015, 18:46:07 UTC
That episode with the marionettes was one of the freakiest things I've ever seen. Sometimes, with eps like that, I think the show goes a little too far. Ugh, it was awful.

I would love so much if NCIS and Criminal Minds ever crossed over. Can you imagine Garcia and Abby in the same room? It would be AMAZING.


badfalcon April 9 2015, 18:53:41 UTC
There were parts of the marionette one that did make me clutch at some of my sorer joints and go 'no, no thank you' but the overall storyline I really liked. I like the fact they do the different things, aren't afraid of things that make you squirm. I guess it's the horror fan in me. That's something I'd ahve expected in the trashy horror novels I read as a teenager.

Garcia and Abby together would kill me ded. It's bad enough at the upfronts when you get pictures of Pauley and Kirsten together but... in character... oh be still my beating heart. *swoons melodramatically*


ami_ven April 10 2015, 02:10:47 UTC
I totally second a Criminal Minds/NCIS crossover! Do you watch NCIS New Orleans, too? The original is still my favorite, but the spin-offs are both good.


badfalcon May 6 2015, 12:29:57 UTC
I've just watched the NCIS episode that introduced the New Orleans team and yes, I will definitely be watching it when I get there. I'm almost onto the current/ending season on NCIS & LA so when I start them, I'll start on NO as well :)


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