The one where Cassie rambles about pretty people in procedural crime dramas

Apr 09, 2015 19:28

I am ridiculously behind on all my TV shows (and on an unrelated note, keep meaning to make a post about what I'm watching and where I'm up to) but have been catching up a lot on NCIS, NCIS LA and Criminal Minds. Today has very much been a Criminal Minds kinda day. I've watched like 4 episodes, almost done with a 5th.

And damn but that show just keeps on getting creepier. This is not a complain, just so you know. I think it's pretty awesome and I love that it gives me proper horror movie chills at times, rather than just trying to gross me out like it was a few seasons ago.

I'm on S8, so a fair ways behind - this shouldn't spoil anyone who's watching the show so I'm not gonna put it behind a cut.
The guy making the marionettes. The guy exsanguinating his victims and using their blood to paint with. A psychopath teenager triggering her father's alcoholism-induced DID and killing her mother and sister.
This is all wonderfully chilling.

Not to mention Dawn Summers killed Parker!
Michelle Trachtenberg also popped up in an episode of NCIS LA I was watching the other day so somewhere mid-S5 and it's definitely worth noting that she has grown up into a beautiful young woman.

Speaking of... I still want a Penelope Garcia. And an Abby Scuito. And a Nell Jones. I also still completely adore Reid. And I'm loving the new character in NCIS S11 - Bishop.
I really do have a type when it comes to my fictonal characters, don't I?

Also Gibbs & Hotch still have that ability to scare me shitless.
But I ADORE Gibbs' nuturing of the younger characters. Like in the NCIS episodes I've been watching, when McGee's girlfriend was caught in the bomb and was paralysed and Gibbs is all gentle with him like a spooked horse and calling him Tim? And how he's gently guiding Bishop with her first NCIS steps. Dear God I love Gibbs.

That was nothing like what I sat down to write. I should change the subject line of this post... LMAO

tv, criminal minds, cassie is a geek, ncis, fandom, ncis la, michelle trachtenberg

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