To love, honour and obey

Sep 16, 2014 20:16

Most of the time the people I work with a lovely. Yes, some of them are sexist and will not talk to an uncovered woman (that would be me). Yes, some of them have tried to convert me (I smile and nod politely, not listening to a damn word they say ( Read more... )

love, work, family

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Comments 8

davidbrider September 16 2014, 20:07:41 UTC
"what on earth would i do with one of them?"

Tell them what to do, win lots of arguments, wear the trousers, make sure they know who's boss...



badfalcon September 17 2014, 06:29:45 UTC
I guess one would have come in useful yesterday with arachnid removal...


for2rusty September 16 2014, 20:34:29 UTC
There are times when I wish I had chosen not to take one of those on. :-)


elebridith September 28 2014, 16:30:32 UTC
Tell them you know an owl in Germany who is 44, not married, not intending to, and still lives in her parents' house. That will break their minds. *g*


badfalcon September 28 2014, 16:48:22 UTC
The living with parents thing they would totally get - of course, you should also be living with a few million other relatives as well. They cannot fathom me living *gasp* on my own!


elebridith September 28 2014, 18:26:01 UTC
Millions of relatives? *shudder* This owl needs alone time every now and then! People don't grasp why I would want to go on holiday alone *lol* "You're going to London for a week? ALONE??" Must be about the same facial expression that you get. *grins*


badfalcon September 28 2014, 18:36:26 UTC
One of the women I work with, Haleema, she's the same age as me. She lives with her husband, her parents, her grandmother, her two sisters, one sister's husband and children. My mind, BOGGLES!

The main question I get asked is 'don't you get lonely' and they cannot grasp that nope, I don't. I'm surrounded by the same people from 9-5:30 mon-fri, and if we include travelling time from 7:45 to 7:15 I'm surrounded by people ALL DAY... being alone in my flat is HEAVENLY

Plus, my friends live on the computer, so I'm never lonely. I just open up facebook or twitter and look, there's all my friends for me to talk to!


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