To love, honour and obey

Sep 16, 2014 20:16

Most of the time the people I work with a lovely. Yes, some of them are sexist and will not talk to an uncovered woman (that would be me). Yes, some of them have tried to convert me (I smile and nod politely, not listening to a damn word they say).

Today... Today however took the biscuit!
I was told I should 'find myself a nice husband before I get too old'

There was laughing, probably some pretty impressive facial gymnastics and a lot of blinking before I came back with 'what on earth would i do with one of them?'

I just... I know it's a cultural thing, and I try not to get too offended. Too much. At least not outwardly. I was more amused than anything but still!
And, like, the women will say to me they can't imagine being in their mid-30s, not married and not have a family. They completely can't wrap their head around me living on my own. My respnse tends to be that I can't imagine getting married at 18 to someone my parents chose for me.

I just don't get the whole 'marriage' thing in general. Don't really see the point of it *shrugs* But that's a whole other rantyrant!

love, work, family

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