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Comments 9

celtprincess13 August 24 2010, 19:07:26 UTC
Again, I say: YAY for new digs! And I'll cross my fingers on the job front for you as well. Moving is a PITA, but I hope you really enjoy your new place.

Four conventions? Yikes, you will be one worn out llama. I only have one coming up and I know it'll kick my ass.

I'm glad to see things going so well for you!


justapieceofme August 24 2010, 19:18:41 UTC
...for a moment I thought you meant the Vampire Ball in Portland and got very excited. Then realized that didn't make any sense. :P

Yay for things looking up! :D


elebridith August 24 2010, 20:20:52 UTC
...and I totally read your icon as "There's vampire in your Leverage". Ahem. *rofl*


yanzadracan August 24 2010, 19:29:19 UTC
*HUGS tight* So happy for you, darlin'. You seemed to have turned a HUGE corner. So proud that you made it in one piece more or less.


lexstar29 August 24 2010, 19:31:23 UTC
There's a reason we call it Creepy Crawley! You were only about 40 mins from me. The only reason to go there is that it's the closest Pizza Hut since the one in town closed down.

Hope the move goes well and good luck with the interview.


elebridith August 24 2010, 20:22:39 UTC
Yay moving! Your own place, that's awesome!! *hugs* And good luck on the job front, and with the beautiful lady! :-)


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