
May 26, 2009 07:16

Oh gracious, I turn a blind eye for just a sexond and the second post fills up! Darlings, sweetpeas, do please forgive my tardiness. I bring you now our third installment of the fantasticousity, and would indeed love to, ah, beg your pardon in being so late about it.


In this scintillating post ( Read more... )

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anonymous August 24 2009, 13:14:27 UTC
Yosuke can't stop pounding Shadow!Saki in the ass.


anonymous August 24 2009, 14:27:41 UTC
In other words, Yosuke can't stop shaking up Shadow!Saki's moneysakemaker?

So seconded. Ssssssss


anonymous August 25 2009, 02:36:41 UTC
...this shouldn't be nearly as hot as it is. Thirded and possibly filling.


OP anonymous August 25 2009, 03:09:03 UTC
Yes! Dazzle me, anon!


Unstoppable [1/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 10:05:32 UTC
It had been too much for the transfer student. Too much, too fast, too brutal for him to get his head around. Yosuke had never felt as helpless in his life as he did then, watching that hideous metamorphosis lay into Souji with blow after blow after blow. The golf club clattered away across the floor of the twisted liquor store as Souji finally fell. Yosuke tried to get up, managed to move a few centimetres off the ground before collapsing back. All his energy had been drained. He couldn't get up if he tried. All he could do was watch as Souji staggered backwards, bruised and bleeding, falling heavily to the ground in a crumpled heap.

"D-damnit..." Yosuke choked. Souji wasn't moving, wasn't getting up. "No...damnit, no!"

Those spells he'd been slinging out - Zio? Something like that - hadn't been enough. Yosuke struggled to find strength in his arms to sit up as the Shadow propped itself back on its hind legs, scarf flowing in an imperceptible wind. If that thing had a face - if it still had his face - it'd be grinning right now. ( ... )


Unstoppable [2/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 10:26:11 UTC
"Yeah...I can do what the normal bitch always wanted. Give up, give myself to a loser like Hana-chan, let him support me and prove all the rumours true~"

Yosuke's eyes widened. H-holy shit. She wasn't thinking of...they couldn't want to...

His Shadow rocked back on its haunches, laughing long and loud. Saki's Shadow joined in, clutching her stomach as she moved away, giving a high, cackling laugh that he'd never heard his senpai use. All of her bad feelings personified...everything repressed laid bare. He didn't stand a fucking chance.

Yosuke tried to pull himself up onto his elbows again; Saki whirled around, hair obscuring her face, shoved him down hard. All the air went out of Yosuke's lungs in one great whoosh as he collapsed against the floor with a choking sound.

"I'll leave you to it, then." his Shadow said, voice full of mirth. "Have fun, Hana-chan...it's the last you'll ever have ( ... )


Unstoppable [3/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 10:40:53 UTC
Her hand was as close to his penis as it was possible to be without touching it; Yosuke would have arched into it if he could. Saki smiled, leaning in, bringing her face close.

"You thought about filling my mouth with it, maybe...? Nah. You'd want a little more than that."

Her arms fell away; Saki's breasts bounced free. Yosuke thought helplessly that they seemed a bit bigger from the real Saki's ones...damnit, dude, this ain't the time!

"Why...?" he managed, his voice a helpless whimper. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Saki blinked, yellow eyes going wide before fading back into a wicked grin. "I'm not doing anything, Hana-chan. Not yet." she purred. Saki sat up, fondling a breast in each hand, putting on exaggerated moans for him. "Maybe you wanted to use these, huh? Put your dick between your senpai's breasts~"

Yosuke bit back a moan. He'd never been this hard in his life, what the hell, he was gonna die and what the hell was happening here...Saki giggled again. She shifted up, hovering above him; one hand snaked down to ( ... )


Unstoppable [4/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 10:49:44 UTC
"Me." Saki said, pushing down again, setting a slow rhythm. Yosuke tried to bite back a groan and failed miserably. "All of me, Hana-chan~"

It felt too good for him to deny; tears did more than prick at his eyes as she sped up, groaning and moaning, cackling all the while about how Hana-chan must be trying his best, how his senpai would love to act like a whore for him. He barely lasted a minute before he felt pressure start to build up in his balls, signalling his climax ( ... )


Re: Unstoppable [4/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 12:48:39 UTC
This is so fucking awesome. You are a GOD.


OP anonymous August 25 2009, 12:52:17 UTC
Yes! This is dark and hot, writer!anon! MORE!

You didn't really kill Souji, though, right?


Re: Unstoppable [4/?] anonymous August 25 2009, 15:16:13 UTC
This fic in itself made the whole Yosuke can't stop... worth it.
It's way hotter than it should be, but people forcing themselves on Yosuke is simply a very good thing.


Unstoppable [5/?] anonymous September 4 2009, 08:24:40 UTC
Hur, whoops! I actually meant for that to be 4/4, but now that I've had a better idea for how to continue~

- -

Time blurred, motions melded into one another; the Shadow was tireless, pinning him to the ground with the strength of every bad feeling Saki-senpai had ever repressed. Yosuke gave up struggling after the third time he came, his mind drifting in a sea of blankness, staring dully at the cackling Shadow. She'd turned away now, facing the other way, Saki's gorgeous long hair bouncing and twining down her back with each thrust inside her. There were less jibes now, more groans coming from the Shadow; the silence would be too much otherwise. Yosuke clenched his eyes shut as an orgasm built up again, his penis searing in pain as it somehow - how, he had no idea, all he knew was that it fucking hurt - produced more sperm, the boy unable to hold back a small groan ( ... )


Unstoppable [6/?] anonymous September 4 2009, 08:26:34 UTC
Yosuke's head tipped back a little, groaning as he felt himself grow close again. There was a small pool of his semen and Saki's juices on his crotch now, gathered there from their numerous orgasms. How many times had he thought of doing it with senpai, too? It was too late there. He'd apologise anyway.

With a supreme effort, Yosuke moved his head a little to the side; Teddie's brightly-coloured form was still there, far too silent, far too still. He thought of Souji; they'd barely gotten to know each other, brought together by this damn world. The guy had died for him, damnit! He just...he just let everyone down. Even looking at Souji's form over there, laying silently against the ground, he ( ... )


Re: Unstoppable [6/?] anonymous September 5 2009, 10:22:40 UTC
Fucking brilliant. You're a GOD, you know that??


OP anonymous September 5 2009, 22:28:25 UTC
Excellent ending, anon! I'm glad that our heroes didn't die at the end, and I liked that Yosuke reflected on how getting fucked to death wasn't, in reality, the way you wanna go out. Yosuke's gonna have Issues for a long, long time.

Though without Yosuke's Persona, they're all kinda screwed when it comes time to fight Chie's Shadows.


Unstoppable [7/?] anonymous September 15 2009, 06:48:58 UTC
Oh, but we can’t stop here, anon. This is Issues Country.Souji felt a tap on his shoulder at lunchtime; he'd decided to stay behind and study, picking at a packed lunch that hadn't turned out too well as he pored over his notes. He glanced sideways to see Chie, looking concerned, her bottom lip turned out in a pout. He tilted his head in a questioning manner, mouth still full of food ( ... )


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