
May 26, 2009 07:16

Oh gracious, I turn a blind eye for just a sexond and the second post fills up! Darlings, sweetpeas, do please forgive my tardiness. I bring you now our third installment of the fantasticousity, and would indeed love to, ah, beg your pardon in being so late about it.


In this scintillating post ( Read more... )

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Unstoppable [6/?] anonymous September 4 2009, 08:26:34 UTC
Yosuke's head tipped back a little, groaning as he felt himself grow close again. There was a small pool of his semen and Saki's juices on his crotch now, gathered there from their numerous orgasms. How many times had he thought of doing it with senpai, too? It was too late there. He'd apologise anyway.

With a supreme effort, Yosuke moved his head a little to the side; Teddie's brightly-coloured form was still there, far too silent, far too still. He thought of Souji; they'd barely gotten to know each other, brought together by this damn world. The guy had died for him, damnit! He just...he just let everyone down. Even looking at Souji's form over there, laying silently against the ground, he...

He...wasn't there.

Yosuke blinked; a shadow drew up behind him. He managed to notice through the fuzz of pain and exhaustion that the head was almost entirely round.

"Yosuke..." came a voice; the boy made a small, choking noise. "Duck."

The Shadow's head - Saki's face - whipped around, dark yellow eyes squinting. Too late; she barely managed to hiss out a "You!" before the crowbar came swinging down. Yosuke felt bile rise in his throat as Souji drove the object right down into Saki's head, an unearthly screech of pain from her, caving her head in with a single strike.

Screaming, screaming, screaming. Yosuke felt his tired, abused penis sting as Souji brought the crowbar down again for good measure, crashing through skin and skull, causing the shadow to scream once more before dissolving, a sickly black substance fizzing down over Yosuke before disappearing completely into the ground.

Silence held for a moment before Souji bent down, undoing the bonds holding Yosuke in place. He could hear the guy panting for breath in his ear, feel the shaking of his hands as he tugged the ropes away. Yosuke felt himself be lifted up, shaking with exhaustion. He leaned heavily on the table, feeling a small measure of strength come back to him. Teddie was struggling to his feet as well, little sounds coming from every step as he staggered backwards, holding a hand to his head.

"I don't like this place very much, sensei...can we go back?"

"Yes." Souji said; he was stumbling over to where Yosuke's clothes had been discarded, gathering them up. "Let's go."

Yosuke stayed silent, raking in breaths, his entire body aching, one particular part throbbing with soreness. He wouldn't touch himself for months after this. Yosuke stayed silent as they headed back, leaning heavily against Souji as they walked.

Chie was almost in tears when they came out of the TV again; he'd never been happier to hear her yelling at him, to hear the persistent jingle of the Junes theme song. He enveloped her in a hug halfway through "You guys suck!", causing a startled noise from her as his feet gave way, practically sending both of them to the floor.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing, Yosuke? Get off me!"

Yosuke just smiled, too tired to move. "I'm sorry, Chie." he managed. "For...everything."

"Huh...?" Chie replied; Yosuke felt himself get lifted up again as Souji tugged him to his feet. He didn't even care if people started to stare. "Sheesh, you idiot...what did you do in there, anyway?"

Yosuke gave a weak laugh, hand gripping the front of Souji's shirt as he leaned against his shoulder. That'd probably be a bit much to tell just now, he figured; hopefully, it'd forever stay between him, Souji, and Teddie.

None of them really needed to know just what the Shadows could do.


Re: Unstoppable [6/?] anonymous September 5 2009, 10:22:40 UTC
Fucking brilliant. You're a GOD, you know that??


OP anonymous September 5 2009, 22:28:25 UTC
Excellent ending, anon! I'm glad that our heroes didn't die at the end, and I liked that Yosuke reflected on how getting fucked to death wasn't, in reality, the way you wanna go out. Yosuke's gonna have Issues for a long, long time.

Though without Yosuke's Persona, they're all kinda screwed when it comes time to fight Chie's Shadows.


Unstoppable [7/?] anonymous September 15 2009, 06:48:58 UTC
Oh, but we can’t stop here, anon. This is Issues Country.
~ ~

Souji felt a tap on his shoulder at lunchtime; he'd decided to stay behind and study, picking at a packed lunch that hadn't turned out too well as he pored over his notes. He glanced sideways to see Chie, looking concerned, her bottom lip turned out in a pout. He tilted his head in a questioning manner, mouth still full of food.

"Hey, Souji-kun? Have you noticed anything...different about Yosuke lately?"

Souji reflected, head tilting back to catch the fading fall sunlight. "Yeah, a little. He seems very different."

"Mn!" Chie replied, nodding energetically. "He's really...polite, and thoughtful! I don't get it...did something happen in the TV? Oh, or maybe he's got a really bad cold..."

Souji stared off into space for a moment before shaking his head, hair falling in his face. "Maybe." he murmured. "It was a very tough time for him."

That pout continued to persist as Chie sighed, shifting in her chair. She didn't want to admit it, but she was more than a little worried about him; his personality seemed to have done a complete 180. The first thing that he'd done once he was up to coming back to school - even open, honest Souji was completely tight-lipped about what had happened, only that Yosuke had been through a lot and didn't wish to talk about it - was take her and Yukiko out to replace her Trial of the Dragon and buy them a big, steak-based lunch besides. She wouldn't say that it was a bad thing, of course - as surprised as she was, she wasn't gonna turn down such a heartfelt apology - but such a huge change was worrying, to say the least. Not even considering how he seemed, slowly, to be winning over Yukiko. They were hanging out a lot more, at the very least. Yosuke was always all smiles, leaving Souji and Chie on their own to walk her back to the inn when she needed to leave early. The other guys in class were teasing, but he just smiled and laughed it off. It wasn't Yosuke at all.

"I guess..." Chie mumbled, glancing across the room at the door; it had slid open to reveal Yosuke, talking animatedly to Yukiko, who was actually smiling back at him, even laughing a little. "It just seems like something's wrong, that's all."

Souji gave a shrug, setting down his pen.

"I can't really argue with that. But he'll tell us when he's ready."


After dark, the nightmares came. They were all made of movement and sound, far more tactile than he would like; he'd groan and roll over in his bed, soaked in sweat as his memory replayed the events over and over. The heat of their bodies against one another would be right there, the clenching horror in his chest with those yellow eyes staring over his, the pinprick sensation of each hair brushing against his chest as Saki pounded herself, remorselessly and endlessly, on him. He hadn't touched himself since then, didn't want to touch himself; the one time he'd tried, achingly horny after a long day of idle Yukiko daydreams in class, he'd broken down into great, heaving sobs on the toilet, burying his face in his hands.

Then there was the laughter, the endless horrifying laughter that should have been Saki's but wasn't. It was twisted, warped, and everything felt as humid as that shadowy version of her liquor store. He never felt refreshed after them, waking with a gasp an hour before dawn, clutching a hand against his chest as his heart pounded harder than he'd thought possible. He was getting less and less sleep but pushing himself more and more. Maybe if he did better, acted nicer, made up for all the things that senpai's shadow had told him as they fucked on and on - all the times she'd secretly hated him, how he pissed others off, every little wrongdoing in his entire life accented with the slamming of her hips into his - then the nightmares would go away. He could move on. He could stop this.

Yosuke ran a ragged hand through his hair, willing himself to stop shaking. He wasn't gonna get any more sleep tonight...better to get up and study. Clean his room. Something. Anything.

Who needed sleep anyway, right?


Unstoppable [8/?] anonymous September 15 2009, 06:51:04 UTC

Yosuke slid easily into his seat, Souji and Chie immediately clamming up as he offered them a big, easy grin, Yukiko following quietly to settle into her own. His personality had taken a turn for the better, that was for sure; even newcomer Souji could detect the abrasiveness smoothing away. He seemed to be thinking before he spoke, ready to do anything for anyone.

It reminded him of himself more than he cared to admit. Souji offered a small smile back to Yosuke, then gave a sideways glance to Chie. Better to continue that later. Yosuke began to talk - small things, their schoolwork, the teachers, how Ebihara-san had been acting really weird around Kou lately - and Souji nodded and smiled, letting him and Chie steer the conversation as he fell back into reflection.

They hadn't spoken about the TV World since Yosuke had been dragged back, half-dead and utterly exhausted, that one day. Every time he mentioned it, Yosuke clammed up and refused to talk about it, even going so far as to drop the conversation entirely under the pretense of his father calling him. Souji knew he never set his phone on silent; the other boy had been told off one too many times in class for interrupting the lecture with a blaring pop-rock ringtone. It would have been a lot easier if Souji could remember much at all...he'd spent a long time inside the TV World a few days later, Chie at his side, conversing with Teddie; neither of them could remember much after Yosuke's Shadows had beaten them unconcious. His glasses had skidded somewhere away from him when he finally came around, and his memory was sketchy at best; all Teddie had seen was Souji standing over a half-naked Yosuke, crowbar in hand. All Souji could see was what looked like a monster attacking Yosuke. He had half an idea - there were only so many reasons a Shadow would get naked, after all - but saying that to Yosuke seemed a terrible idea. Just the thought of the TV World put a dangerous expression in Yosuke's eyes.

Souji's attention was sharply brought back as Chie yelled right beside him. Evidently - like he couldn't guess it from the way Yukiko was blushing, and the way Yosuke was grinning - Yukiko had consented to Yosuke buying her lunch on Sunday.

On Saturday night, Yukiko Amagi was kidnapped and thrown into the TV.


Sunday morning, Junes grocery department. Souji shrugged the weight of the crowbar inside his satchel further up his shoulder; Chie stood at his side, greaves tucked neatly away into her backpack. Yosuke was fixing a display of apples, squeezing each one experimentally. Even when he wasn't working, he was working, it seemed.

"We're going into the TV today, Yosuke." Souji said; the boy's shoulders twitched, his entire posture stiffening. "Are you coming?"

It took a few long moments before he opted to respond, still not turning to face them. Souji saw Chie about to speak and held a hand up subtly; he needs a second. Give him time.

"...uh, n-no thanks. You guys go ahead." he said. The strain in his voice was small, but noticeable. "I'll keep watch out here, yeah?"

"We need a third." Souji replied; calm, even, almost unconcerned. Putting pressure on him wouldn't work. It was killing the other boy just to mention it, he could tell. "This isn't just talking to Teddie today."

Yosuke turned ever so slightly, glancing over a shoulder at him; Chie took in a breath at how he was struggling to smile. "...huh? You guys aren't making any sense."

This time, it was Chie's turn to give a small sigh, shifting her footing. Souji could sense her fiery determination; she'd be dragging them both in by the collar if she could, issues or no issues.

"Don't you know?" she asked. "Yukiko got kidnapped last night, Yosuke...we think she's in the TV."

Yosuke stiffened again, a small, choked sound escaping him. Nobody could have kept up with the whirl of emotions within him. He'd come so close, pushed himself to get over it, as long as he didn't think about it everything would be okay he'd even managed a date with friggin' Yukiko Amagi and now the TV had taken that away from him too why had it done that why did it want to ruin his life don't think about don't think about it don't think about it just keep smiling and do your best and-


Unstoppable [9/?] anonymous September 15 2009, 06:55:56 UTC
Yosuke swallowed, taking a deep breath.

"Better not have me dragging you down then, huh?"

Souji stared at him for a good few seconds before nodding, brushing his hair back into place, casting a glance over at Chie.

"Looks like we're on our own, then." he said. "Let's go."

Souji's hand found Chie's as they walked away, towards the electronics department, squeezing it reassuringly. He had backup with her and Teddie, at least. They could do this.


Yellow eyes. Souji was getting very tired of yellow eyes.

Once again, it was just him and Teddie; it appeared there was more than met the eye to Chie, judging from the mocking, self-hating speech that her Shadow spewed, grinning with the same face as his classmate except for those damn yellow eyes. At the very least, he thought grimly as he brought the crowbar up to block that vicious whip from lashing across him again, he'd been right in his observations about the two girls.

Not that that was a great deal of help when his legs finally gave out, sending Souji tumbling to the ground at the Shadow's feet. This time, however, he got lucky; it appeared Teddie had learned something from their last defeat, the bear lunging forward with claws extended - where had he gotten those? Did it matter? - catching the Shadow across its face with a vicious swipe. The thing, the monster that wore Chie's face and was now some grotesque, entirely unsubtle imagery, arched backwards with a screeching cry, its carriers tumbling to the ground and splaying it out everywhere, whips temporarily useless.

Souji took the advantage. Every step sent a burst of pain through his very being as he stumbled towards it, joining Teddie in the merciless attack, hitting the Shadow again and again and again, drawing cries of pain as they drove claw and metal into its face over and over until it started to dissolve. Souji's eyes widened for a brief second, arms throbbing from the relentless attack; was that it? Had they beaten it?

The Shadow took the advantage. Souji felt blood spill, warm and sticky from his chest as the beast raked claws across his chest before getting Teddie's claws firmly stuck into its face, finally shrieking out a death rattle as it dissolved away underneath.

Souji had just enough presence of mind to summon Pixie, cast Dia on himself to close the wounds before falling back onto the ground. Chie's groans of pain quickly turned into shouts of concern as she rushed over to him. He held onto conciousness long enough to feel her cradle his head in her arms, see her yell in the face of her Shadow until she admitted it was right about all those things, see it turn into something else altogether...

Then his eyes lidded, he let out one shuddering breath, and he saw no more for awhile.

They couldn't do this alone. This time, it was Teddie who had to drag him out, Chie and Souji each leaning on a side of his oddly furry head until they could get pushed through the TV.


Yosuke got worried when neither Chie, Yukiko, or Souji came to school on Monday; there was only so much one could chalk up to simple paranoia, after all. Something had happened. He stared at the screen of his cellphone for nearly five minutes before pushing the button. It occurred to him as it rang that in all the time in Inaba, the only people he still talked to in his cellphone memory were Chie, Kou and Daisuke (to a much lesser extent), and now Souji. Five rings before it picked up, Yosuke already starting to gnaw at his bottom lip.

"Mmmn?" answered Chie. "Hello, Chie speaking..."

A flash of his old self flaring up; she sounded fine! What the hell was up with making him worry about them? He was about to say something harsh - something Galactic-Punt level harsh, and boy did he never want to feel that pain again - but he bit it back, cooling his tone, letting the concern sound through.

"It's Yosuke. You guys weren't at school today."

"School...?" Chie repeated, dully. "Oh, shoot...wow, I really overslept. Mn, me and Souji were totally wiped out after-"


Unstoppable [10/?] anonymous September 15 2009, 06:58:03 UTC
A pause; Yosuke could practically see her glancing over her shoulder. He'd only met Chie's parents once outside of idle conversation at Junes, but that was enough to know that her mom really liked to hover when she was on the phone to anyone but Yukiko.

"...after yesterday." she finished. "Something came out of me, a-and...Souji and Teddie barely survived. I would've died if they weren't there."

Her voice was shaking. Yosuke thought about yellow eyes, smooth skin, and that lancing pain in his groin that still dully ached whenever he crossed his legs. Yosuke's voice shook a little too, but he forced it down again.

"I know what you mean." he said. "...did it, uh, do anything?"

"Like what?"

Yosuke was suddenly, acutely thankful that Chie's Shadow hadn't been like his, put her - maybe Souji? The image of her on top of him flashed for a second, and was gone - through all of that. Nobody else should ever have to go through that.

"N-nothing. I'm just glad you're safe."

"...we really need you in there, Yosuke." Chie mumbled. Damnit, he could see that pout already. "It's way too hard for just us. I've got a Persona now too, but...I don't think we can make it to Yukiko."

Yosuke stayed silent as Chie muttered for him to wait a second; he heard the clumping of her going upstairs, closing her door, letting out a ragged sigh as she probably ran a hand through her hair. He blinked as she spoke again, her voice raw with emotion.

"I'm so worried about her, Yosuke..."

Yellow eyes. Soft skin. Pain and torture and he'd never go back, never ever ever...he swallowed a fresh lump in his throat, clenched his fist and shut his eyes.

"What...what does Souji think?" he managed, tightly.

"He says it's your decision, and that we can't make you do it. That you need to do it in your time, but..."

But they didn't know how much time they had. Yukiko could be starving to death right now. Yukiko...damnit. Damnit, damnit, damnit. Damnit...

"...don't make any plans for tomorrow." he ground out, teeth clenched, the pit dropping out of his stomach. "I-I'll try."

"Wh- really?"

She couldn't see it, but he nodded; tears were forcing themselves to the very edges of his eyes. Damnit, he wouldn't, he couldn't...he was just a useless bastard who nobody liked. Some wannabe hero who-


"Just...for an hour. Tell Souji." he said, and snapped the phone shut.

The tiniest pinprick of hope welled within him as he sunk down against the wall, dry sobs coming from deep within, a cork bobbing in an ocean of fear. He buried his head in his hands.

What a piece of shit he was. All this, just to be a hero.

He almost hoped that he'd die this time for real.


Re: Unstoppable [10/?] anonymous September 15 2009, 12:01:22 UTC
I love you, Anon. So, so, so much.


OP anonymous September 15 2009, 18:22:07 UTC
Yosuke can't stop updating this fic!

Awesome stuff, Anon.


Unstoppable [11/?] anonymous September 18 2009, 05:32:33 UTC
Fear thumped in Yosuke's ears as he jogged along the castle hallways, eyes locked on Chie and Souji in front of him, not daring to look back. This place was...jeez. It was huge, far bigger than the liquor store had been, much bigger than anyone would suspect. Souji and Chie had already covered the first two floors on their first run through here, apparently, before Chie's Shadow had appeared and knocked them out flat. Who knew how much further they had to go...Yosuke clutched his kunai tighter - a present from Souji before they went in, 'for his own protection' - knuckles turning white as they rounded a corner, coming face to face with another Shadow.

These ones were weaker, at least, able to be defeated in a few swift applications of blades and boots, and apparently unable to say anything more than vicious little skree-ing noises. He felt infinitely thankful that he could take his headphones in with him, high-tempo rhythms urging him on, lending him focus as he lunged forward, striking deep gouges along the Shadow's forms with his blades. Chie and Souji were right beside him, he repeated to himself; Teddie was right behind them. He wasn't alone. It couldn't happen again. He just had to keep going, watch his back and theirs, not think about senpai and he wouldn't collapse into a pile and never get up again and-

Souji called for a break when they reached the sixth floor; Chie promptly dropped to the floor, groaning in pain as she rubbed at her legs. Must be hell for her, wearing those heavy things, he thought. Guess I can be thankful for that, huh? He plopped down beside her, hands on his knees, kunai resting lightly in his palms. Not gonna let them go until we're out of here, no chance for an ambush, just don't panic and keep calm and-

"Hey." he said, slipping the headphones down with a hand. "You okay?"

"Mn." Chie replied, smoothing back her hair, plastered sweaty against her brow. "I've never been this tired in my life..."

"Ha, yeah. Me too." Yosuke grinned; Souji seemed to be faring better than either of them, simply leaning against a wall with his hands braced against his legs. What kinda crazy stamina did he have, anyway? "You don't need me to heal you or anything?"

"No thanks, I'm okay...just tired." she said; Yosuke felt an odd clutch of fear shoot through his chest as she gave him a smile, almost affectionate for Chie. "Thanks, though. As long as we can save Yukiko, I know I can get through anything!"

Yosuke chuckled as she pumped a fist in the air, slouching slightly against the wall; just keep repeating it to yourself. She's not Saki-senpai, she's not a Shadow, it's just Chie. She's not gonna hurt you...unless you deserve it, anyway. You've dese- no. Don't think about it. Think about the others. Think about saving Yukiko. Don't think about it.

"Attagirl." he grinned again, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "Shit, I think we're both gonna be sore tomorrow."

"Yeah, no kidding..." she mumbled, glancing away. Souji was motioning for them to get up. "Ugh, looks like it's go time again."

"Right." Yosuke replied. "We can't...go back, yeah? Hahaha..."

Chie blinked down at him, having already hopped to her feet; damn, he must look like a snail compared to these guys. A stupid, worthless snail that shouldn't even be here better to just go home and not- no, damnit!

"You okay, Yosuke?" Chie asked. Yosuke blinked up at her as she offered a hand down to him.

"Uh...y-yeah. Thanks." he said, grasping it, pulling himself up, willing himself not to flinch. It was just Chie, not her, the touch was helpful, a friend's gesture, it was...pretty nice. Really nice. Why was he associating holding someone's hand to that, anyway? Sure, he'd thought of doing that with Saki-senpai, but...

"Hey! Yosuke! Earth to Yosuke!"


Chie frowned at him, tugging at his arm. "You can let go of my hand anytime, y'know."

"Oh! Haha...sorry."

Souji glanced over at them, an eyebrow half-raised, then contented himself with with simply rolling his eyes, half-hidden under his thick fringe. A jerk of his head and the other two nodded, starting off at a steady jog. Time to go further in, further up. Yukiko was waiting for them to arrive.



Unstoppable [12/?] anonymous September 18 2009, 05:33:36 UTC
It got easier the further up they went; not in the Shadow's strength, of course, but Yosuke felt himself on the verge of freaking out less and less. It was probably a strange sort of catharsis, slicing up lesser versions of the thing which had killed his senpai and...d-done that to...no. Don't think about, don't think about it. Yosuke focused on the lilting female voice in his ears - heartbeat, heartbeat - as they rushed up a fresh set of stairs, finding themselves faced with a large set of doors and a shimmering blue butterfly.

Yosuke and Chie stumbled to a stop, briefly smacking elbows as Souji walked over to the butterfly. It flitted around his hands for a few moments, their leader's attentions utterly captured by it, a small, private smile on his face before the spell was broken and he turned back to them.

"We can go back to the bottom of the castle with this, then come right back here later." Souji said. "I think we should rest up and come back tomorrow."

Fear shot cold through Yosuke as Chie started to protest, his mind overwhelmed with a hundred thoughs all battling for dominance; no no no, this was a one-time thing. That's what he was drawing strength from. Going in just for today to save Yukiko to help his friends can't come back won't come back no no no no no no no no no-

"H-hell no, dude." Yosuke stammered; Chie cut her protests off to blink across at him. Even he was surprised at how much his voice was shaking. "We're...doing this today. All of it."

"We're far too tired, Yosuke." Souji said, calm and even. "We don't know what's behind those doors."

"Sensei's right, Yosuke!" Teddie added, trotting up behind them. "I can't bear the wait either, but I sense something very strong behind that door!"

"And you just want to leave Yukiko there with whatever it is?" Chie added vehemently. "C'mon, Souji-kun! I can't- we can't do that to her!"

Souji shook his head, expression impassive. "It doesn't matter. We're not strong enough. We can always come back tomorrow."

Suddenly, Yosuke's head felt oddly clear; all of the worry and panic and terror of the past few days was washed away under a new emotion, clear and white, filling him with heat and energy. Anger. He, Chie and Souji had all faced Shadows. Souji knew what they could do, and he was still gonna leave her to its mercies? Yosuke gritted his teeth, grasped both kunai in one hand, and strode forward with Chie's wrist in the other.

"The hell with that! C'mon, Chie, we're going in now!" Yosuke shouted, riding the crest of anger, feeling the white-hot emotion override all else. "Nobody else is going through that shit on my watch! I'll go in alone if I have to!"

"Wh-" Chie stammered, stumbling a few steps before she caught up, not resisting, simply surprised. "Yosuke..."

The doors were slammed open before Souji could react, Chie tugging her arm out of Yosuke's grip to run forward beside him, shouting Yukiko's name.

Everyone stopped short when they saw the throne room in front of them; Yukiko was there, alright, but there were...two of her, one in a kimono and one in a frilly, pink princess dress. The kimono-clad one was already nearly passed out, her head resting in the other's lap, and at her side, hand on her shoulder, was...Yosuke's other self.

"Well, well, well." grinned the Shadow; Yosuke made a choking noise as he saw his own face again, exactly the same but for those cold, yellow eyes. All the strength drained out of him as he stared, Yukiko's Shadow giving a grin to match his own Shadow's. It was him again. This couldn't...how? Damnit, how?

"Look who we've got here."


OP anonymous September 20 2009, 11:52:24 UTC
As always, excellent work, anon. I'm amazed at how you've spun such a great story from my smutty little "Yosuke can't stop..." prompt.


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