Oh, you're here for blood clots? Here, let us help you grow another so none get lonely..

May 10, 2012 14:43

All of these medical posts are bringing up some bad service from last April 2011 ( Read more... )

omfg, first do no harm?

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Comments 56

cassandraterra May 10 2012, 19:21:32 UTC
Sweet Thor's thunder that was horrific! There can't be a time limit on that, can there? Call up your doctor, the patient advocate and get those nurses/doctor's FIRED. I mean, not to sound all SUE happy, but honestly, can't you? Malpractice of WHOA.

But I'm glad you got out. I can't believe they did that to you. BURN those motherfucker socks.


rainbow_vagina May 10 2012, 19:51:51 UTC
Yes! I'm not one for suing and getting people fired but !damnit! for that ATROCIOUS behaviour people need their arses kicked!! Get their arses fired! That way they won't be able to do it ever again and hopefully the hospital won't hire useless staff ever again.


tryst_inn May 10 2012, 19:52:44 UTC
Horrifying. I would call your insurance company and tell them to dispute the bill for those days you were kept in there due to the hospital's delay of getting the test done and begin speaking to a malpractice attorney IMMEDIATELY! You have a very good case, which should be spelled out in your medical file - so get a copy and an itemized bill ASAP before they know you are talking to an attorney.


lulu_girl May 11 2012, 13:52:43 UTC
At this point I'd be happy if my remaining 2700 buck bill would be dismissed. I've already paid 8k. Although truthfully I'm just grateful I have health insurance. CT scans are ridic money and they *asked* me if I wanted one in the ER. Uhm yes? Help me figure out what's wrong! If I had no insurance I'm honestly not sure I'd be alive now, not even joking. My bill total was 100k including my daily shot (which was 125 dollars EACH). Jfc.

I also learned this all happened probably due to an auto-immune disorder they can't pinpoint yet. So I'm off blood thinners and playing a waiting game. Wheeee!


kaowolfie May 11 2012, 20:50:02 UTC
I think they have to ask now because CT scans subject you to *so much* radiation, and often aren't the only choice for visualization. If that makes sense. I have no idea if they were the only choice for you, obviously!


lulu_girl May 11 2012, 21:00:56 UTC
Yeah the only way to confirm pulmonary embolisms is a ct scan. I ended up having two, plus 3 lung xrays and a million sonograms.I figure the two ct scans have radiated me pretty good. Unfortunately no cool side effects like glowing in the dark. Woe.


notthebuddha May 10 2012, 20:46:26 UTC
"Oh, well, I thought you brought your own medicine."

Uhm, that's not legal, I cannot bring random medicines from home into the hospital and just take them.

It is common for people to already be on daily meds when admitted, to bring them from home, and to keep taking them.


lulu_girl May 10 2012, 21:11:22 UTC
Oh, I did not know that. My nursing friends told me it's illegal because if the hospital doesn't know what you've taken and they're liable if you accidently OD or across medicine reaction occurs.

Perhaps it's allowed for certain types of meds? I know with the arixtra I was on, even pain meds were closely monitored and off limits, most over the counter off limits because they thin the blood.


lorrainec May 10 2012, 21:27:41 UTC
It depends on the hospital, and within the hospital on the type of medication and reasons for use. It looks like even if you had brought your own medications with you, the pharmacy at NY Methodist would still have had to control them and the nurses would have had to dispense them ( ... )


lulu_girl May 10 2012, 21:59:33 UTC
Thank you for the info. I didn't realize one could even bring meds. This is really good toknow!


kaowolfie May 10 2012, 20:57:02 UTC
okay, I can't read this because too much detail triggers my hospital phobia, but omfg. I so feel you on the goddamn UNUSED IVs. After I had jaw surgery, my mom and I had to argue with a resident at 3am to get two painful, unused and untouched IVs removed from my right wrist. It took threatening to check out AMA to get them removed.

I do NOT freaking understand why "this hurts me" is blown off as a valid reason to have unused IVs removed.

also? fuck hospitals that can't get you life-protecting medication and tests on time. There's no excuse for that.


fluteaphrael May 11 2012, 10:43:36 UTC
Oh, I've had the IV thing happen, and I finally tell the nurses, look, you have 5 minutes to remove this or I'll do it for you. I've had more than enough of them that I'm totally capable of managing my own. Also when I was severely dehydrated I learnt something about having IV's in. The best guy in the local hospital for doing IVs is the guy in radiology that does the ones for dyes and testing. They're freaking amazing and nobody ever thinks to ask that department to help. Also, nearly never ever let the DOCTOR do an IV. Unless they're in a few specialties (anaesthesia, oncology,) they're garbage at it because they do it so rarely.

I always have IV fights, because I ambulate with either crutches or a frame, depending on how bad I am on a given day, and they always want to put them in the back of my hands. I'm like NO I need to lean on those hands. IV's go between my wrist and my elbow thank you so I can move around. I do NOT know who decided that it's better to put them in a bloody JOINT, but no thank you.


lulu_girl May 11 2012, 13:44:26 UTC
AHHHHH IV joints ugh, nooooo.

I found with dehydration that if I'm able to and have access to water to drink some, seems to perk up the veins a bit, then you can get the saline or whatnot you need.

This is all a luxury and assuming you can do this and have the time of course.


kaowolfie May 11 2012, 20:41:34 UTC
The worst part for me was I had two freakin' IVs in the left wrist too, and I could ONLY communicate via writing. Seriously, I swelled up so much I looked like I gained ten pounds just in my face - you can't talk like that. ;)

but urgh. I use a cane now, and I cannot imagine how painful it would be to have an IV in a joint or the hand on my cane arm. Just ngggggh, do not want ever. I hope you eventually are able to acquire a pocket nurse who will always give you good IVs, regardless of the hospital... wouldn't that be awesome? Like the Doctor from Voyager, just summoned via smart phone. :D


robi0688 May 11 2012, 00:36:23 UTC
Hey bro, I heard you like blood clots, so I got you some blood clots with your blood clots.

Seriously, that's awful! I'm glad you're out of there.


lulu_girl May 11 2012, 13:31:54 UTC
Hahahhahaah :)


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