Um... No.

Sep 08, 2010 13:26

Dear Specific You,

1. You IMed me out of nowhere. I have no idea how you got the info, but you did and it creeps me the fuck out.

2. You aren't even in the RP in question. You said yourself you were just skimming. Unless you are the person I am playing with, or the owner, you don't get a say in anything involving out characters.

3. ...WTF? You're grossed out by the fact that me and Other Player are... Playing an old, unmarried couple that had mutual crushes when young but never voiced them? ...But you're NOT in the RP at all. And you don't even want to join because it's ending soon anyway, but you feel the need to stalk me online to get my IM info when you could send me a PM just to say how much you're grossed out?

No love,

For the record, BRPS? My chick is 57. Other Player's dude is 56. They aren't fluffy romantic, so it's not like it's oozing liquid sugar. They're a subdued sort've romantic, so it's not even that obvious--ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY AREN'T EVEN TOGETHER YET AND JUST CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER.

...Just... What!?

doing it wrong, i am a freaking know-it-all, i r better tahn u

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