So in our little starwars larp there is a certain player whom everyone named Fucknut. But before we move onto Fucknut, let’s talk about what we are working with in this larp.
You ARE going to keep us updated on this yahoo, right? I need time to get some popcorn and beer before the big act, though, so gimme a few minutes. ;)
Because destiny, in the form of ICA=ICC, is approaching with the delicate tread of an overweight elephant, and I personally can't wait to see what happens. Oh, yeah, and you have my sympathies for putting up with this twink. Even if I AM laughing my big butt off here. :)
Oh I will. I will update on any metagaming, cheating or wriggling out of death that he tries. or any epic fails that he pulls to make himself lok like the ultimate schemer.
Coming soon to an LJ near you! Kill Fucknut Volume Two!
Comments 4
Because destiny, in the form of ICA=ICC, is approaching with the delicate tread of an overweight elephant, and I personally can't wait to see what happens. Oh, yeah, and you have my sympathies for putting up with this twink. Even if I AM laughing my big butt off here. :)
Coming soon to an LJ near you! Kill Fucknut Volume Two!
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