Jan 07, 2009 00:02
Alright, so since this is an rp based off of Breakfast Club, I can't blame you as the 'Princess' to suddenly fall in love with the Bad Boy. But let's be honest here...HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. I don't want him to be. Your character is not mine's type.
Since the beginning, my character has done nothing but tear yours down. He told you off every chance he got, and you had nothing of value to say to him back and could not even hold your own in an argument. Plus, he made your girl cry. I doubt he would be your first choice of a lover in the hour that had passed.
Take a hint. Seriously. When you shamelessly tried to walk right by my character's desk and then trip, you expected him to be the Knight in Shining armor all of a sudden and catch you as you fell. F that. He let you fall. Why? Because he does not like you. That is why he laughed instead. Get the hint? No, so you tried again later.
After another head-butting between us, your character decided to run off and cry in the corner. Did you expect my bad boy to come running after you and apologize to you? Did you expect him to feel sorry for you? You should not have, because he didn't. He's not that type of person. Get over it.
Now, I'll admit. I bought into your crap this once. When you suddenly had your character choking on a fruit no one else was online to rp and I was extremely bored. So I had my guy save you. It stuck to his character - he's not a complete heartless bastard, and watching someone choke is never someone's best interest unless they are written that way. So he saved you from choking. Big whoop. It was a stupid sub-plot to begin with. THAT DOES NOT MEAN MY CHARACTER LIKES YOU.
But of course, you had to follow the bad boy to his locker. When he was the one breaking the rules [since that's his character], you had to try and be a 'bad girl' and go after him. Why? I don't need you to talk to him; he doesn't WANT you to talk to him. He left alone because he wanted to be alone. It was not a hint for you to follow.
Oh, and the whole setup with the principal coming down the hallway and you pulling him into the 'very small, dark, janitor's closet'? Yeah, I caught on to that. I'm not stupid, I knew what you were doing. You weren't smooth about it either, did you really think my character would want to make out with yours just because you pulled him in a dark closet? He may be a guy, but he's not the type of guy to make out with a girl he doesn't like. That's why you were DENIED once again and sent away blushing at your mistake. Take that.
Hopefully now that I have embarrassed you in literature you will have learned your lesson. Thank you and goodnight.