WoW Server Tours

Jan 07, 2009 09:33

I have decided to start a project. I am going to being touring the major rp servers, and taking screenshot diaries of what I encounter in locations that are famous for being bad. There is good rp out there, please do not let this taint your perspective on rp. This tour, is simply a review of some of the worst out there.

Rules are simple:
1) I do not provoke actual reactions. No trolling, baiting, griefing, etc.
2) I react, and do not create the rp sitautions. I can walk about, however I do not rp as a character deserving of any special reactions (like a whore).
3) Screenshot, screenshot, screenshot.
4) I visit at least 2 location per faction to get a slightly more rounded view (Goldshire/Stormwind, Brill/Silvermoon)
5)With the bad, I will mention something good.
6)Nothing will be faked, I will not pose in the images, create rp profiles, or create falsehood for better or worse.

First on this list: Moonguard - US - diary is here, warning some of the content is "adult" (nothing overly vulgar). I welcome suggestions on what server I should tour next.
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