I received an email from
Brandon a day or two ago, completely out of the blue. I thought it was spam at first and deleted it, but ended up skimming over his "letter."
Most of the letter is like, absolute gibberish. I have searched my memories for ANYTHING I might have done that would make him think this way, and I just... I've got nothing. He's bonkers.
"You're not funny in the least. You try to pass off mistakes as "I meant to do that" and put stupid little captions on them. You also do that to other people's work, most of the time without asking. Having stupid little comments put on something that someone worked hard on (or even half-assed on) hurts more than you know. You've corrected your mistakes by adding stupid captions and laughing it off as "this is how it was supposed to come out" for so long that you actually think it's funny and that other people would find it funny as well. It's not even cute. It's incredibly stupid. How would you like it if someone took some landscape that you worked really hard on and drew an arrow with "LOL TREE" above it? You do this to not only art, but to anything you see. For example, "ress plz". Those sorts of things just make other people look down on you as a person."
Here's a great example. The best guess I've got for this is some weird combination of two entirely unrelated things; me laughing OOC about how dumb my character is, and me writing notes next to my doodles in my sketchbook for my own personal amusement. How these things are related, I know not.
I am WELL AWARE that my character is stupid and makes a lot of mistakes. I like her that way. When I apologize OOC to the other players for what my character is about to do, I am not trying to "be funny" and I am not "making a mistake." I am roleplaying my character. You know, like you're supposed to in a ROLEPLAYING GAME. I apologize OOC to make certain that idiots like you understand that I am not her, she is not me, and I KNOW that what she's doing is the "wrong" answer in the situation she is in.
I know that, but SHE does not. Acting in a way that I know is "right" is not only "wrong," it's METAGAMING.
As for the sketchbook thing, I've got nothing. o_O You can't put "captions" on something in real life, can you? Is this some weird term I don't know about? And anyway, what I draw/write in MY sketchbook that I bought with MY money for MY enjoyment is up to me. I don't write ANYTHING on anyone else's art without permission, as that's vandalism. We do commonly trade sketchbooks, but it's a mutual artist's joke that maaaaybe Brandon, in his infinite wisdom, does not get.
This seems like a weeeeird version of IC!=OOC to me. I'm mad at him OOC, but my pretendy funtime games character has no issue with any of his NPCs, and any issue I have with his DMing really takes a backseat to the other shit he's pulled OOC to me recently. I have NO IDEA why he thinks this is all about the game. The best thing that came of this, honestly, is that I now know 110% that he is a TERRIBLE roleplayer with no hope for salvation &c. I give up, man.
EDIT: I just noticed this line, as well:
I rolled Gnaat for the real event. Then I rolled you for the fake one.
IC!=OOC again. Gnaat is a character, why did he choose to say "you" instead of "Arinae"? I NEVER interchange my own name with Arinae's; half the time I say "Arinae attacks the monster" instead of "I attack the monster" even while IC. I have no idea why he STILL thinks I can't keep myself separate from her.
Anywho, his last line in the "letter" (which is basically seven paragraphs of nonstop insults) threatens to put it ON LIVEJOURNAL FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!!!!!!!1 So, I did it for him. If you want to read the whole thing, I've got it up in my eljay in its unedited glory.
I blacklisted him on my email now, so hopefully this is the last of this for reals.