Feb 20, 2008 02:16
Honestly? Is it that hard to read the poses of the person with whom you are roleplaying? Yes, I know we're MUSHing, so it moves a bit faster than text based games. But no one else is even in the SCENE with us! We're alone in the room. How hard is it for you to read my responses to your poses and react to them!? I, personally, would rather get on with the plot than spend 30 minutes posing through pulling a vehicle out of a garage, so I put most of those actions in one pose. I put the key in, waved for the attendant to open the garage door and pulled out onto the street honking to move the drunks from the sidewalk between me and the street. I did it in one smooth, clear pose typed in proper grammar.
So why is your response a pose about me walking into the garage and seeing the shiny vehicle for the first time? And then your next response a droid asking if I need the garage opened? Did you read a single thing I wrote? Being that most of the scene has been going this way, I'm guessing not. At least I am now certain it's not me being sick and confused by your responses, but you who isn't reading a thing I say and just blindly following along with whatever posed out plot you have planned.
And then, not even ten minutes later, in a scene of four people else game someone else clearly missed multiple things because he wasn't reading two people's poses. It's a bloody epidemic, I swear!
I understand if you're in a massive scene of 8-12 people and you're not all talking to each other. But when you're in a small group and everyone's interacting with everyone else, is it so much to ask? Bloody hell.