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Comments 77

lasamy May 8 2008, 21:54:12 UTC
OMG that's so amazing...your artwork is fantastic. I know Joni Mitchell only from the bunch, so snaggin all of them. thank you!


notsostrange May 8 2008, 22:01:32 UTC
thank you! I'm so glad you like it! Check out these artists. They're all pretty amazing.


sunshine_selah May 8 2008, 21:57:36 UTC
idk anything about this movie but i wanted to say that yr graphics are amazing. i keep looking @ them! gorgeous.


notsostrange May 8 2008, 22:01:46 UTC
Thank you! :D


bionic May 8 2008, 21:58:01 UTC
wow...all the work you've put into the song choice and artwork, just amazing. Now I might just have to see this movie! Snagging, thank you :)


notsostrange May 8 2008, 22:03:25 UTC
Yeah, you must! *_____* This movie demands a lot from the viewer, it's long, slow, and subtle. But it's ohhh so worth it. I'm glad you like it. :)


architects May 8 2008, 21:59:08 UTC
Let me just say I am so glad I decided to go friendsfriends-ing tonight. This film has pretty much taken over my soul, as has the soundtrack, and finding this? has pretty much made my night. Love the artwork, and LOVE how you included 16 HP.

And I'll end the gushing here by saying that I'm dling with much glee. :D


notsostrange May 8 2008, 22:06:32 UTC
God, I know. This movie has completely and successfully pwned me. And I think 16 HP works perfectly for this film. Glad you like!


architects May 8 2008, 22:19:25 UTC
It's one of those films I never tire of seeing, because with every rewatch, I'm left with a different impression. It's unsettling and touching and chilling, and I was left in tears the first time I saw it. I can't decide whom I love or hate more, Jesse or Bob.

Also, hee, I'm really amused because I JUST uploaded the soundtrack to this film a few days ago and wrote a gushing introduction to it. Clearly the internet is all Team Jesse James these days!

I'm exceedingly pleased to find another fan of 16 HP! Have you given Woven Hand a listen? David Eugene Edwards = a bit of a genius, I think.


notsostrange May 8 2008, 22:28:06 UTC
...No I have not. x_o Will get on ASAP. How much do I love his voice though. So much.

I've stopped counting how many times I've seen this. I'm -still- trying to figure out what went on between Bob and Jesse, and dammit, it's frustrating, but I keep trying.

Oh, I have a little (dark) corner in my heart for Bob. I blame (or thank) Casey Affleck.


rather_shy May 8 2008, 22:38:11 UTC
Heyyy, it's me! ^^ Holy fudge! This is amazing! I will be downloading ASAP. ^^ God, you win so hard at graphics, bb. Have an internet. <33


notsostrange May 8 2008, 22:40:58 UTC
OH HAI LOOK WHO IT IS. XD Nice to see you here, William, how you be? And thank you! :D


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