Passing Days (oneshot)

Dec 28, 2010 03:02

Title: Passing Days
Length: oneshot
Pairing: GDYB
Rating: PG
Genre: angst, Romance
Summary: Jiyong is married to someone else and Youngbae has to go and fight.
A/N: this is something that's in my head for a while now but i can't seem to write it well. *sighs* i give up! just tell me, how it went, alright? thanks guys! <<33 you all! XD

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christmas drabble party, gdyb, oneshot: passing days

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Comments 24

njzz December 28 2010, 03:52:10 UTC
It`s so sad BB..... yeah life is cruel.
why there so many angsty and sad fic this lately????
great job. ^^


babythyr December 28 2010, 10:13:51 UTC
i bet you haven't read the ending?? you do know i love happy endings, right?? hmmm.. i guess you have to re-read it again.. hahahaha

thanks for reading and commenting bb! =)


njzz December 29 2010, 03:17:58 UTC
haha just reread it again. yeah it`s beautifull ending BB.



babythyr December 29 2010, 20:59:44 UTC
glad you like it bb! i realized, it's fun hiding an ending.. hehehe

thanks again! =)


catc3 December 28 2010, 04:59:56 UTC
thanks for sharing^^

it was too sad for the moment like this T-T
but it was still beautiful ^^


babythyr December 28 2010, 10:15:49 UTC
bb, please tell me you read the ending... it's a happy one!! please take a closer look! you know that im a sucker for fluffy ones, right?

come on, read it again! XD

thanks for reading and ffor always commenting bb! =)


catc3 December 29 2010, 16:18:09 UTC
oh sorry!
i just read the read end.
they finally found each other some how!

i'm still waiting for ur other ficsss, plz


babythyr December 29 2010, 21:04:09 UTC
sorry if i made you read it again.. i didn't want you to think that i could easily break our GDYB.. you know im a sucker for fluff!! hehehe

opps! you're right, bb! i need to work on the other fics.. huhuhuhu.. i still don't know how to continue.. i wanted them to be a bit dramatic.. T_T


ybaeviplove December 28 2010, 10:01:33 UTC
That was sooo sad, but still there together after these world right? Ji yong is now dead or not?
Anyway, it totally doesnt sucks! That was different and stil beautiful,, and yeah life is cruel ;(

thnksss for sharinggg ^^


babythyr December 28 2010, 10:18:33 UTC
hmmm.. bb.. it's a happy ending! you'd know the answers to your questions if you read it carefully!
i'm forcing you to read it again!! hehehe

thanks to you for reading and always commenting! XD


ybaeviplove December 28 2010, 10:49:50 UTC
Hehe, I'm sure know... Always together! ^^
I loved this,

Youngbae - ah, wait for me. If we can’t be together here, then I’ll follow you there.

thankssss for shairingg again! ^^


ybaeviplove December 28 2010, 10:52:16 UTC
OOooww, sorry I see now the last last part *blush*
And I got it ^^

It's still beautiful ^^

soo that was the older gdyb? ^^


jiyonglikesme December 28 2010, 15:17:31 UTC
ohhh need tissue here~~so sad dear~~I can imagine the condition of war, how's Youngbae scared and Ji worried all day long. Gosh, life is hard in this fic and the ending is good. well done girl ^^


babythyr December 28 2010, 16:44:05 UTC
*hands you tissues*

sorry.. i made you cry.. i've been working for this for a while now but i can't explain the things i have in my head.. ugh! so frustrating! T_T

glad you liked it!

thanks for reading and commenting! =)

p.s, you read the ending, right?? XD


jiyonglikesme December 28 2010, 17:41:49 UTC
yes dear, thank GOD I could manage to finished reading the fic *sob*
it always nice to read your fics, seriously! thank you for writing ^^


babythyr December 28 2010, 18:33:56 UTC
since i'm not used to say my feelings/emotions/opinions in real life, i really have to stuggle to explain myself when i write, glad you got what i was trying to convey here.. *sighs in relief*..

if there weren't any commenters, there wouldn't be any writer, so thanks to you!!! =)

cause you guys are awesome, i'll work harder! ^^,


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babythyr December 29 2010, 20:54:57 UTC
ugh bb! you made me cry.. huhuhu.. XD

glad that you still read it till the end though you knew it was impossible.. i was thinking of ending it like that, (thanks to your continous angsty fics, too.. peace! ), but hey! you know me! i wouldn't break my GDYB!! right? so i wrote a 'hidden/alternative' ending.. XXD

did i really make you cry?? like,, REALLY??????? *jumps*
oh gosh!! why am i so happy???

that was a wonderful compliment, bb.. but because i don't deserve it, i'll work harder!! FIGHTING!! =)


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yb_baby January 12 2011, 06:52:59 UTC
yah!!!! what my fault here??????????

what angsty are you people talking about....

haha dont worry babythyr this fic is just epic...


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