Turn Left (oneshot)

Dec 04, 2010 01:46

Title: Turn Left
Length: oneshot
Pairing: GDYB
Rating: G
Genre: romance, fluff?
Summary: What if Youngbae finds the right girl?
A/N: it's December and we need to celebrate! this one's my second entry for the drabble party... =)

comments/opinions/critics are <333


Christmas drabble party entry 2 )

oneshot: turn left, christmas drabble party, gdyb

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Comments 17

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babythyr December 5 2010, 22:55:48 UTC
i'd love to imagine YB flailing his arms like a little kid! gosh! he'd be so adorable! =)

thanks bb! i'll work harder on the theme next time! XD


p_0_p December 4 2010, 10:04:32 UTC
“Then I’ll turn left to look for you.”

wowww~~ so sweet ^^

Thx for the fic as always.


babythyr December 5 2010, 22:58:13 UTC
ow.. it's nice to see you here! =)

thanks for reading and for writing (though i can't understand your language)! =)

let's spread the gdyb love together, neh?

thanks for passing by and commenting! FIGHTING! =D


ybaeviplove December 4 2010, 10:17:54 UTC
Thanks for sharing!!! ^^
Sweet! ^^

“Then I’ll turn left to look for you.”

^^ Perfect!


babythyr December 5 2010, 23:00:20 UTC
a sweet gdyb is what we need this season, isn't it?

if the right girl comes, YB will surely turn left for his GD! *nods*

thanks for always reading and commenting bb! =)


ybaeviplove December 6 2010, 16:10:17 UTC
Your right.. again XD
Haha, that's what they call ' love ' Right? ^^
Turning left XD

Anyway, Your fics are really ... awesome... ? Haha, I like it to read them, can feel the GDYB love^^


babythyr December 6 2010, 19:58:24 UTC
i'm feeding you with fluff (if it's how you call it) now cause i want you to cry when january comes! XD PEACE!

i'm grateful cause you like them though i am really sure they're too simple.. thanks! =)


yb_baby December 4 2010, 12:00:44 UTC
so adorably sweet

loved it..

hahah YB can be spo sweet at times and yes GD is on his emotional period


babythyr December 5 2010, 23:03:05 UTC
gah.. i am extremely grateful to those prompts/texts i keep on getting.. kekeke

GD is havibg his 'monthly period' perhps! LOL

have you seen the fancams of the YGFAM concert???
and one more thing, is DCYB still on going?

glad you like it! thanks mom! =)


yb_baby December 6 2010, 06:01:34 UTC
what dcyb?? hehhe sorry was lost during the week end again ^^


babythyr December 6 2010, 19:52:10 UTC
don't worry, me too! XD

DCYB, YB's gallery in DC Inside.. i think they have some article at ATY regarding this but i wonder if DCYB is still running..


solserene December 5 2010, 12:47:17 UTC
my goodness!!!.. you always make me feel giddy, giddy with your adorable fics^^!~
you're so good at it someone really need to prevent you on doing angst! I mean really!
Long or short fic, i always ended up smiling widely. ^_^

Your fics are like Taeyang's smile. It's warm and bright. Things that make you just feel good and great^^.
Please don't stop writing...


babythyr December 5 2010, 23:11:05 UTC
*jumps* your comment made me smile!
oh.. being compared to YB's smile is something i can't even imagine.. it's so heartwarming.. thanks! that's so sweet of you, though i believe i don't deserve the compliment.. i promise i'll work harder! =)

i am restraining myself on writing angsty ones (though i always make sure to have happy endings) cause it's Christmas season.. no one should be sad, right? kekeke

i won't stop writing cause i love our gdyb.. XD

thank you so much! =)


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