Turn Left (oneshot)

Dec 04, 2010 01:46

Title: Turn Left
Length: oneshot
Pairing: GDYB
Rating: G
Genre: romance, fluff?
Summary: What if Youngbae finds the right girl?
A/N: it's December and we need to celebrate! this one's my second entry for the drabble party... =)

comments/opinions/critics are <333


December. Malls are always full of people choosing and buying gifts for their friends, relatives and love ones. Streets are very busy and noisy but teenagers who are busy fooling around with their friends in the sidewalks don’t seem to mind.

Love is everywhere. In every place you go, people around you seem to be nicer and happier and livelier. Of course! You shouldn’t be sad during this time of the year. It’s what everyone in the whole world's waiting for.

Amidst of all these things, Jiyong is at home, sitting in his desk, scrolling through the pictures of himself and Youngbae that they both collected through the years of them being together. Time really flew. It’s almost eleven years since they met but no matter how many years had passed, Jiyong still finds himself smiling at that first time that Youngbae dragged him to the nearest spicy rice cake shop at their first meeting. It was strange and awkward but, thinking about it now, Jiyong finds it fun and sweet.

When his eyes land on a picture of the two of them during that Christmas when they were still the ‘GDYB’, Jiyong smiles. They were young, carefree and wild. They didn’t care about anything and anyone around them, not even their future. All that mattered to them was the present back then, but things were destined to change, BIGBANG is on the line now. They have to be more careful, they should think of the others’ dreams, too, and most importantly, they are forbidden to show any sign of ‘unnecessary affection’ towards each other. It’s an invisible law that they should follow if they want to succeed and be accepted in the society.

Being in a popular group, they have to make friends, hang out with the others, see someone else and flirt with the girls. They are ‘boys’ in the eyes of the world and it’s the reality they have to live up with. Jealousies can’t be avoided, fights - though they help making a relationship becomes stronger - are painful, misunderstandings are to be expected and most importantly, BIGBANG is set to be the first priority.

It was, and it is still, hard for them to be in the situation, but they are and still dealing with it. It’s a difficult challenge but they will never back down.

Jiyong sighs. What if Youngbae changes his mind? What if Youngbae's feelings are no longer there? What if he can’t stand with him anymore? What if he finds someone else? What if …

His train of thoughts and what ifs are interrupted by a pair of arms hugging him from behind.

“Jiyong - ie, let’s go shopping! Help me find some gifts to buy for your family.” Youngbae whispers in his neck.

Jiyong shivers at the contact. “Wait babe. I’ll just turn this off.”

Youngbae pulls back. “Don’t tell me you’re still working? It’s the Christmas holidays, Ji!” Youngbae says, arms flailing.

Jiyong chuckles at the cuteness of his boyfriend. “Relax, you moron! I was just looking to our pictures.”

“Oh.” Youngbae scratches the back of his head. “But why? Feeling emotional?” Youngbae teases.

Jiyong rolls his eyes and walks to his closet to find something to wear. “Jerk!”

Youngbae laughs. “I’m just kidding, Ji.”


Youngbae walks towards Jiyong, holds him from behind and kisses his cheek. “You seemed out of this world, earlier. What were you thinking?”


“Spare me that crap. I know you.”

Being best friends for five years and another five as boyfriends, they don’t have any secret to each other. One knows the other like the back of their own hands.

Jiyong sighs, knowing he can’t get away lying. He walks to his bed and sits on its edge with Youngbae following him.

“Bae, what if… what if…” he hesitates but Youngbae nudges him to continue. He has so many questions in mind but sums them all up into one. “What if you find the right girl for you?”

Youngbae is surprised to his sudden question but smiles nevertheless. He kneels in front of Jiyong and holds both his hands. He looks up to him and catches his eyes.

“Baby, it’s Christmas season. Don’t tell me you’re in your period to be this emotional?” He asks, teasing him.

Jiyong’s face reddens, more for the sudden back flips of his heart due to the contact - he's still wondering how Youngbae manages to make his heart flutter even after all these years - rather than the building annoyance for his unanswered question. He glares at the man kneeling in front of him to mask the butterflies in his stomach. “Yah Dong Youngbae! I’m here, worrying about your feelings, thinking about our future and you dare laugh at me? Why don’t you fu - ”

Youngbae shuts him up with a kiss.

“Then I’ll turn left to look for you.”

kyaa! how was it? i believe it's out-of-theme.. *sigh* i'll work harder next time!

and as always, SPREAD the GDYB love this season!  HAPPY CHRISTMAS! XDD

oneshot: turn left, christmas drabble party, gdyb

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