...you're reading
Eclipse and the very first thing you notice on the very first page is that Jacob has the same
handwriting as Amalia's in California Diaries.
I don't know which I'm more embarrassed about, that I immediately notice things like that or I just copped to reading Twilight. :D
Comments 9
...I am trying to justify reading the Twilight books by the fact that I am not reading them in English (the old "it's better to read something shitty in your second language than a classic in your native language" excuse).
Which book is 'Eclipse'? The German books have different titles (with a really stupid play on words, I might add).
I totally want to know what the stupid play on words is now! It can't be any worse than the original writing, honestly. :D
The first book is called "Bis(s) zum Morgengrau" - "Bis zum Morgengrau" on its own would be "Until dawn" and "Biss" means bite(noun). You can also use the construction (food) zum (meal) to describe what you're having to eat, so I sort of associate it with "A bite for breakfast" in my head.
If I were a translator I'd probably write it in English as "At the BITE of dawn", which sounds equally as stupid.
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