Merlin Season 5 Spoilers

Jun 01, 2012 10:15

archaeologist-d posted about some MERLIN SEASON 5 spoilers and I have to share them on my journal. I just have.
Initially, it is youbreccia who posted about it.


[character] - mordred pendragon, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [fandom] - merlin

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Comments 10

pax_morgana June 1 2012, 11:29:44 UTC
Okay, so I kind of stopped watching at the beginning of season three, but I am definitely going to have to catch up and start watching again! This is exciting! <3 I really hope they give Mordred some dimension, rather than just make him an evil bitch-monster of doom. ;;


babydracky June 1 2012, 15:57:58 UTC
I totaly agree with you. I really liked Mordred in season 1, his episode was awesome! And then in season 2 they just made him look like a totaly fucked up monster -_- I was not pleased!èé
Now, I hope they'll make it up to us in season 5!


pax_morgana June 2 2012, 01:43:07 UTC
Yeah, I agree. It seems like it's par for the course, though. :c Morgana suffered the same fate: as soon as she turned sides, she was stripped of any sympathetic facets she'd had before. At least, such is the case in series three, I'm noticing.

But we can still pray!


babydracky June 2 2012, 06:38:40 UTC
You're totally right. Morgana's character is far more interesting in season 4 BUT I still don't understand why she want to kill Arthur. She actually has no reason to -______________-
I'm still displeased about another villain in season 4 that I actually liked but they never gave us explanation why he turned side...


archaeologist_d June 1 2012, 11:54:36 UTC
LOL. That's what your brain remembered? It is pretty important and there could be all kinds of reasons why Mordred is a knight. I just hope they explain it!!!!!


babydracky June 1 2012, 15:54:27 UTC
I know I'm a desperate case XD
I really hope we'll have more explanations because I wasn't really happy about Agravaine èé I wanted to know more!


ladyknightanka June 1 2012, 18:15:33 UTC
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! *glee*

I think I'll be getting more involved in Merlin fandom, come next season, then. I've only written a few drabbles up until now, but Mordred! ♥♥♥


babydracky June 2 2012, 06:40:03 UTC
My work is done here then!:p:p
I wrote a lot about Merlin's Mordred during the first two seasons and then nothing... Now I'm pretty sure I'll go back to write about him ÖÖ


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