Merlin Season 5 Spoilers

Jun 01, 2012 10:15

archaeologist-d posted about some MERLIN SEASON 5 spoilers and I have to share them on my journal. I just have.
Initially, it is youbreccia who posted about it.

Here you are what my brain decided to remember:
(Quoting from Youbreccia's journal)

-all the knights love Mordred, it’s adorable (so much HUGGING)
Things about the show that we saw (SPOILERY TO AN EXTENT, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK):
-Mordred is a knight now! I WAS SURPRISED but apparently that’s totally in the mythology so, hey, cool!
-at one point Arthur carries Mordred fireman-style up a hill with Percival and Merlin running after him
-Arthur bargains with the old ladies in the cave for Mordred’s life but apparently doesn’t like their terms? That bit of filming was very hard to hear so please don’t quote me on that…

Do I have to say that my brain nearly explosed reading that?!
I mean! Could have I been happier?! What I wrote about and what I wished would happen, actually happened!♥♥♥
Now I hope they will make it works and not just expect us to buy it without explanations... -_-
Now, I really can't wait for season 5 to begin!
...And my brain wanna write lots of Mordred's ficlets now! TOT
Lots of really slashy and dirty things xD

[character] - mordred pendragon, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [fandom] - merlin

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