Happy Easter - 6 eggs in chocolate - Tyler/Reid (The Covenant) in Robin Hood

Apr 11, 2012 11:24

I still have some ficlets to write for my Eatser Basket, I promise I'll post them shortly.
Bear with me♥

Sorry for being late my Kastanje Honey! -_-

For pippii
Chosen Disney: Robin Hood
Pairing: Tyler/Girl!Reid
Rating: PG-13
Résumé: Reid has been abducted by Tyler Hood's band. Problems are coming Tyler's way.
Titre: The Not So ( Read more... )

[fandom] - disney, [seasons] - easter, [fandom] - the covenant, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [fanfic] - easter, [fanfic] - oneshot, [character] - tyler simms, [character] - reid garwin

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Comments 2

pippii April 11 2012, 09:52:43 UTC
OMG Sweetie♥ This is awesome!! So so funny and great.
Poor Tyler, be harassed by Maiden Reid!!
I laughed so hard when I read it.
Thank you so much for writing this Sweetie♥
Big hugs and kisses


babydracky April 11 2012, 10:04:55 UTC
You're more than welcome my Kastanje Honey!
When I saw your Robin Hood Prompt I just could picture at once Maiden!Reid XD He would be such an unbearable princess!
Poor little Tyler Hood ÖÖ
I'm just glad you liked this ficlet^^


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