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Comments 6

solanyxe January 6 2012, 03:09:29 UTC
I'm not familiar with some of the fandoms, and my knowledge of French has shrunken to a level that's close to 0, but I like the snippets!
Needless to say, the one that resounded most strongly with me is the Seeker fic. I like how you show the doubts and obstacles that their love overcomes.
Thank you for writing it! <3


babydracky January 6 2012, 08:25:06 UTC
You're more than welcome hon♥
I'm so glad you liked your ficlet and I'm so very sorry for being sooo late.


solanyxe January 7 2012, 15:51:30 UTC
That's no problem at all! Thank you for writing it! <3 (I'm working on that ficlet!)

And... *checks date* It was even a bit too early. *hugs* I hope you're feeling well!


babydracky January 9 2012, 09:10:45 UTC
Well... It was for 2010 XDXD


newtypeshadow January 9 2012, 00:53:22 UTC
Thanks for the story! ^_^ *snugs Lex* it must be awful, to be so close to what you need, but not quite remember it. ♥


babydracky January 9 2012, 09:09:07 UTC
You're more than welcome, hon♥
Glad you liked your so very very very late Christmas Ficlet♥
(Lovely icon! ;) )


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