ADVENT CALENDAR 2010 - Dec 28th to Jan 1st -

Dec 29, 2011 22:40

BabyD is still giving her best to catch up!
DONE FOR 2010!!!

For Castalie
December 28th

Character(s)/Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Fandom: MERLIN
Title: Wish Upon An Apple
Prompt by Newtypeshadow
Song: Invictus by William Ernest Henley

I am the master of my fate.
Those were your last words, Arthur. I wished you could have told me that you love me; always will, but those words never crossed your lips. You were too proud to tell them but I know how you felt. We didn’t need words between us but I crave for the things we didn’t have enough time to say.
You’d always hush me with a gentle kiss but I wish I had screamed to you everything that was in my heart. Now, I’m waiting for you because...
I am the captain of your soul.

For Newtypeshadow
December 29th

Character(s)/Pairing: Clark/Lex
Title: What’s his name?
Prompt by Candream
Song: Whatsername by Green Day

I know I’ve been in love.
I can’t remember his face as if I burnt every photographs I had.
I can’t remember his voice as if I had become deaf.
I can’t remember his name as if it all was a dream.
I try to cry to him to come back but it is impossible without a name.
I do remember the velvet of his kisses on my lips and the warmth of his arms around me.
I know my soul is a dark and arid place.
It is still beating...
I know I still have a heart.

For Kos_mos607
December 30th

Character(s)/Pairing: Caleb/Pogue
Title: Just Live
Prompt by Solanyxe
Song: Live and Flow by Kenna

Caleb *annoyed to Reid and Tyler*: Will you stop drink like fishes, both of you?
Reid *mocking*: When the Defuser’s around, the bad guys are going down!
Tyler giggle, drunk.
Pogue *growling*: Leave him alone! Go intoxicate yourselves further!
Caleb *sighing*: Thanks mate. It’s just that when I come back home she’ll be drunk. As usual.
Pogue *smiling and discreetly touching Caleb’s hand*: I’ll be here. We’ll make her drink some water and eat her very favorite turkey with chestnuts.
Caleb *closing his fingers around Pogue’s*: What would I do without you?
Pogue *lovingly*: Never try to find up.

For Heera_Ookami
December 31st

Character(s)/Pairing: Akutsu/Dan
Title: Ton sourire
Prompt by Themirrorofsin
Song: Everything by Lifehouse

Je te regarde parler avec ces gamins, tu leur souris.
Tu souris toujours.
Je n’aime pas quand tu souris aux autres.
Tu as calmé les torrents et tempêtes qui étaient en moi, ou, tu as toujours su te tenir au coeur du typhon sans être cruellement blessé.
Je ne viendrai jamais vers toi.
Je n’ai besoin de personne.
Pourtant, ta voix m’apaise, ta chaleur me temporise, ton sourire me canalise.
Tu m’as vu du coin de l’oeil.
Plus personne n’existe.
Tu viens à moi, un sempaï aux lèvres, accompagné de ce sourire radieux.
Il est unique, il est à moi.

For Solanyxe
January 1st

Character(s)/Pairing: Kahlan/Richard
Title: Why?
Prompt by Heera_Ookami
Song: Deal With It by Corbin Bleu

Sometimes I think you love me.
Other times I feel like I’m just the Seeker in your eyes.
A prophecy. An arm. A sword.
Sometimes I see the love in your eyes.
Other times there are just those deep shadows.
Why don’t you want me to love you then?

I know you do love me.
Sometimes I think nothing will bring up apart.
Other times I’m afraid you’ll leave me.
A confessor. A punishment.
Sometimes I see the fear in your eyes.
Other time there is just this tenderness and devoutness.
Why can’t you see that I can’t lose you?


[character] - richard cypher, [fandom] - legend of the seeker, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [character] - clark kent, [pairing] - kahlan/richard, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [character] - caleb danvers, [character] - lex luthor, [pairing] - clark/lex, [character] - merlin, [character] - kahlan amnell, [character] - dan taichi, [pairing] - caleb/pogue, [character] - pogue parry, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [seasons] - christmas, [pairing] - akutsu/dan, [fandom] - the covenant, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - akutsu jin, [fandom] - smallville, [fandom] - prince of tennis, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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