Christmas - Wish List Time ♥

Nov 25, 2010 00:14

Step One

Make a post (public, friends-locked, filtered...whatever you’re comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 Holiday WishesThe wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fun to medium to really big to fandom things. The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want. If you wish ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [pairing] - marcus/oliver, [youtube], [actors] - dolph lundgren, [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - harry potter, [character] - marcus flint, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - oliver wood, [fanfic] - for me

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Comments 35

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babydracky November 25 2010, 00:31:32 UTC
Yeah! I love tea!♥
Do you have some tea you like yourseldf? If so I'd be more than happy to try it♥


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babydracky November 25 2010, 11:23:42 UTC
I do love fruity tea♥


kamimura November 25 2010, 01:32:31 UTC
i can send you tea and a postcard :) there's no 'singaporean' tea so it'd probably be southeast-asian tea if you don't mind!

just pm me your postal address ;D


babydracky November 25 2010, 11:24:11 UTC
Oh, thank you hon!
That would be awesome♥
I'll PM you my address^^


kos_mos607 November 25 2010, 05:33:09 UTC
Well I can help with the youtube videos. I have a buttload of Supernatural slash vids on my favorites. If I stumble across anything else on your list I'll add to it.

(personal favorite, love Carnival Of Rust)

(pure fanservice, figured you'd like XD )


babydracky November 25 2010, 11:35:31 UTC
Oh yay! Thanks for sharing hon!
Carnaval of Rust is really an awesome video!
And YAY for Jared's...very best quality!:p


babydracky December 22 2010, 12:59:20 UTC
Thanks! They were awesome♥


martinius November 25 2010, 15:07:14 UTC
I have a wishlist! This was a fun idea :)

Also, I'll see what I can dig up about Dolph. Have Dolph singing 'A little less conversation' to tide you over.


babydracky November 25 2010, 21:59:09 UTC
Awesome! I'll come and have a look then^^

I never watched that video before!
*bounces everywhere*
I want him to song me loooove songs!


Quick Ficlet For You phantomreviewer November 25 2010, 17:55:02 UTC
Training was always slower during the winter months, despite of the passion that Oliver installed in the team, he'd often be found putting in more effort whilst the rest of the Gryffindor team drank warm butterbeer in the Great Hall ( ... )


Re: Quick Ficlet For You babydracky November 25 2010, 21:56:02 UTC
Awwwwwwwww!! Thank you♥
That was lovely!! I really have a soft spot for Marcus/Oliver fics and this one was so cute!!♥
(Yupe I think that you do have my address♥)


Re: Quick Ficlet For You phantomreviewer November 25 2010, 21:59:27 UTC

So glad you liked! I did my best with it, but yeah, new pairing and all :-D


I shall see what I can do then!


Re: Quick Ficlet For You babydracky November 25 2010, 22:19:47 UTC
It's always fun to write about new pairings^^
And I'm just all "awwww" imagining Marcus throwing snowballs at Oliver!♥♥♥


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