Christmas - Wish List Time ♥

Nov 25, 2010 00:14

Step One

Make a post (public, friends-locked, filtered...whatever you’re comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 Holiday WishesThe wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fun to medium to really big to fandom things. The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want. If you wish ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [pairing] - marcus/oliver, [youtube], [actors] - dolph lundgren, [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - harry potter, [character] - marcus flint, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - oliver wood, [fanfic] - for me

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Quick Ficlet For You phantomreviewer November 25 2010, 17:55:02 UTC
Training was always slower during the winter months, despite of the passion that Oliver installed in the team, he'd often be found putting in more effort whilst the rest of the Gryffindor team drank warm butterbeer in the Great Hall.

The pitch was deserted, and there was something beautiful about looking at the crisp untouched snow. He'd flown, rather than walked, so that it would be like a blank page.

"Oi! Wood. Down here."

Of course the peace wouldn't last. And there were tracks in the snow, just two. Flint hadn't brought his broom with him, so he'd come to taunt him, or maybe something else.

The snowball hit him straight in the face. Well, Flint was a Chaser, and a good one, Oliver had to admit. He was ready for the next one, blocking it.

Flint actually laughed.

"Doing good Keeper. But not good enough, not like Gryffindor are going to win this year is it?"

"I guess you're a worthy opponent. Not good enough to defeat Slytherin, but passable. But I thought you needed something for the shabby broom."

Oliver touched down within throwing distance of Marcus, and he'd barely balanced before something else was thrown at him. Something hard, not soft powdery snow.

It was a broom repair kit.

Oliver smiled.

"Thanks Marcus, wanna meet me down for something at the Three Broomsticks this weekend?"

"Make that the Hog's Head and I'll be there loser."

Oliver laughed, as he brushed the snow out of his hair.

"Happy Christmas Flint."

Flint nodded back, and turned back in the direction of the castle.

(I've not written very much Harry Potter fic, and it might be a bit rusty, esp. the characterisation, but I hope it suits! I can also send tea at some point, I think I've got your address. :-D)


Re: Quick Ficlet For You babydracky November 25 2010, 21:56:02 UTC
Awwwwwwwww!! Thank you♥
That was lovely!! I really have a soft spot for Marcus/Oliver fics and this one was so cute!!♥
(Yupe I think that you do have my address♥)


Re: Quick Ficlet For You phantomreviewer November 25 2010, 21:59:27 UTC

So glad you liked! I did my best with it, but yeah, new pairing and all :-D


I shall see what I can do then!


Re: Quick Ficlet For You babydracky November 25 2010, 22:19:47 UTC
It's always fun to write about new pairings^^
And I'm just all "awwww" imagining Marcus throwing snowballs at Oliver!♥♥♥


Re: Quick Ficlet For You phantomreviewer November 25 2010, 22:20:42 UTC
It's the equivilent of boys pulling girls pigtails. :-)


Re: Quick Ficlet For You babydracky November 25 2010, 22:22:07 UTC
Marcus would so pull oliver's pigtails if he was a girl!xD


Re: Quick Ficlet For You phantomreviewer November 25 2010, 22:35:51 UTC
Probably. :-)


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