ADVENT CALENDAR - December 3rd for eternal_moonie

Dec 03, 2009 23:15


I am nearly late for today's entry but the day was really long and tiring ;o; I hope I'll take some rest this weekend even if I have a lot to do already.
Whatever! Here you are my Advent Calendar entry for today^^

For eternal_moonie
December 3rd

Character(s)/Pairing: Clark Kent/Kara "Kent" Zor-El
Fandom: Smallville
Title: You Make Me Wanna Be A Better Man
Prompt by gabi_fics
Song: Melt Into Your Eyes by Faderhead
Beta: No beta, sorry. I didn't have time to send it to my souzoukyuketsuu ;o;


image Click to view

“What are you doing here?” whispered Clark stunned to see Kara sitting on the balcony of the Daily Planet.

“I might not have been long on Earth but the last time I checked up Christmas was a family celebration,” smiled his blond cousin at him, gently.


“I really don’t think it is a good idea,” whimpered Clark, holding tight on Kara’s waist.

Kara grinned at him, her hearty laugh ringing out at Clark’s ear.

“You’re still afraid of the highs, Supercousin?”


“Isn’t it beautiful?” she gently whispered to Clark’s ear, her long blond curls dancing around her head like the gentle and warm light of a candle.

She was beautiful.

“I couldn’t stand the idea of not seeing that ever again,” she went on.

Kara was looking at Metropolis’ Christmas lights from the sky, from her element, from her world.

“I didn’t mean to stay, I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t bear to know you alone for Christmas Eve, Clark” she told him, her pretty blue eyes gazing at him with intensity, genuineness, Clark couldn’t bear.

Her care was bringing him so much pain. He should be left alone.

“Don’t” he barely whispered when her hand softly stroke his cheek, “I’m not the one I used to be”

“You are colder” Kara acquiesced, her eyes never leaving his gaze when she gently kissed him.

He melted into her eyes, kissing back eagerly.


“Please” Clark whimpered against her lips “Don’t…”

“Don’t what, Clark?” she prettily grinned at him “Don’t try to warm you up? But I do intend to keep you warm”

Kara proved her point by gently stroking her long fingers along his strong back before hiding them in his jeans’ pockets.

“Actually, you’re the one keeping your fingers warm here” Clark gently answered, trying hard not to blush too badly but failing miserably.

“I intend to do that too” she provocatively bit her lower lip.


“I’m not the Clark you used to know” Clark sighed, breathing Kara’s scent “I’m not Clark Kent anymore”

He was Kal-El nothing more, nothing less.

“Nonsense” she smiled at him “You’re born Kal-el but you grew up Clark Kent. Your body can be Kal-El’s but your heart will always be Clark Kent’s”

She gently rested her hand on Clark’s chest listening carefully to his heart’s beating.

Clark felt like she was not only holding him but his very soul.

“Yes” she smiled “Clark is still in here”

“Kara…” he tried before the blond girl stopped him from talking, a finger on his lips.

“And…” she added “it is for him that I came back and he definitely should receive me as I deserve after a so long and dangerous journey”


No more words were said. Just gentle kisses shared in a new snowstorm.

“You’re getting better at it” Kara said against Clark’s lips.

Clark raised an interrogative eyebrow.

Kara showed him again the lights beneath their feet and then Clark understood. Kara wasn’t the one keeping them in the air, not anymore, it was him!

And, then, it happened; they began to fall toward the Metropolis’ Christmas lights.

Kara was laughing against him.

“Oh crap! My Superman is back!”



You make me wanna be a better man...

Sometimes I just lose all words
And I don't know what to say
This feels so good it almost hurts
I hope we'll never fade away
(I hope we'll never fade away)

When I look at you in real
There's nothing else that I gotta say
'Cause I melt into your eyes again
When I look at you in real
There's nothing else that I gotta say
'Cause I melt into your eyes again

If I need to lose control
I know that you will hold my soul
And deep inside I feel this glow
You and me will make us whole
(You and me will make us whole)

When I look at you in real
There's nothing else that I gotta say
'Cause I melt into your eyes again
When I look at you in real
There's nothing else that I gotta say
'Cause I melt into your eyes again

Meme: Request a fanfic for CHRISTMAS!!!



1 *
Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Dusting Down The Stars by Mobile

2 *
Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship

3 *
Melt Into Your Eyes by Faderhead

I didn't write anything about Smallville for a very long time and I kind of missed it^^ This is my very first fic about Kara and I never saw her in the show so I hope I didn't mess up the character... Hope you'll like it^^

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [pairing] - clark/kara, [character] - clark kent, [youtube], [seasons] - christmas, [character] - kara zor el/supergirl, [prompts], [fanfic] - merry christmas, [fandom] - smallville, [fanfic] - gifts

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