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Comments 65

pippii July 26 2009, 19:32:02 UTC
I went and watched the movie with my Mum today and I really liked it too;)
I just don´t understand why they had to burn down the Burrow....it made no sense to me.
And Draco was good. ANd I love Ron and I thought he was adorkable through the entire movie;)


babydracky July 26 2009, 21:13:11 UTC
I saw that on your journal^^ And I'm pretty sure your mum enjoyed the movie as well^^

Well... Regarding the Burrow... I don't understand myself... Won't we see the Weasleys in the seventh movie then?
(Did Hedwige actually burnt in the Burrow? oo)

Ron was definitely ADORABLE!!!
Poor little thing with all those "wonwon" XDXD

Do you want a little drabble, hon?


Marcus/Oliver for my beloved Pippii♥ babydracky July 27 2009, 10:10:25 UTC
Real men wear pink.
Marcus frowned when he saw the cover of that Muggle's magazine Oliver Wood was fond of. They were playing for the same team, surprisingly not killing each other, for three whole months now. The coach was proud, Oliver seemed happy, Marcus on the other hand didn’t feel that well. He was happier when he was allowed to punch that arrogant face. Beating him senseless was far better, safer, than thinking about kissing those pretty lips of his day after day ( ... )


Re: Marcus/Oliver for my beloved <lj user=pippii> pippii July 27 2009, 10:18:33 UTC
OMG sweetie
thank you soooooo much for this.
It is just adorable...and you remeber my favorite pairing;)
♥loves loves loves♥


lucre_noin July 26 2009, 19:46:48 UTC
Oh my! I'm so escited about this movie and I'll surely go to watch it the next week.

>Being a huge fan of Draco's character helped I suppose XD Wasn't Tom just marvellous in this one and Draco just so endearing?

I'm a big fan of Draco (and Tom) too. That's the main reason of why I want to watch this movie so much XD

Oh, is there so much Harry/Ginny? I can't stand Ginny ;_; and I can't stand the pairing (and not because I'm a Harry/Draco fan but because I find it so 'forced'). I hope there are also many scenes of Luna Lovegood : D


babydracky July 26 2009, 21:15:11 UTC
You definitely have to watch that movie hon♥
And especially if you like Draco ÖÖ
We have so many characters that we love in common! It is amazing! (Or some people would say scaring xD)

Definitely too much Harry/Ginny... And that didn't help at all to make them look like less awkward -_- Well... That's my toughts oo

Luna was good in the movie^^

Do you want a little drabble, hon?


lucre_noin July 27 2009, 06:34:17 UTC
Oh my, I'd love to read a Harry/Draco drabble *_*!


babydracky July 27 2009, 08:19:20 UTC
Sure!! *_*
It'll be my pleasure! ;)
Any prompt?


orpheus_samhain July 26 2009, 19:57:45 UTC
I hope I'll see the film on Tuesday. No Christian Coulson in it so I already know I'll cry, but maybe Draco will dry my tears a bit :)

I'm not sure if het's okay. If so, then: Tom/Pansy, daring. If not: Marcus/Neville, corner.


babydracky July 26 2009, 21:17:21 UTC
Oh! I hope you'll watch the movie soon enough! It is good, really^^
And yeah... I really missed Christian too. He was a so good Tom!! The new Tom isn't bad, really but not as good as Christian!

Sure it is okay!
Whatever you wish, hon^^
So... Tom Riddle/Pansy Parkinson, is it?^^


lennyphl July 26 2009, 20:14:20 UTC
Big Draco fan and I love how Tom Felton plays him, though I must say I'm not a fan of Slash pairing so reading Harry/Draco stories will probably be not for me. I really enjoy your work though and I'm kind of sad that you haven't written anymore Troy & Sharpay or Serena & Chuck fics lately. Oh and speaking of Chuck & Serena stories, my favorite story of yours "HER PROTECTOR" seems to be on the fritz. I mentioned it on the stories listing page, but perhaps you haven't visited it lately. I would really appreciate it if you could look into that since I'd like to read it again please. Thank you!


babydracky July 26 2009, 21:21:32 UTC
Hi there!!!
Thanks for commenting!♥ I'm happy to see that there are a lot of us who love Draco♥

Hmmm... Well... I think you are mistaken, hon OO
I never wrote Serena/Chuck's fics... Or I clearly don't remember them OO And I even don't know who are troy & Sharpay oo
I'm sorry...
I hope you'll find the person who wrote the stories you like so much


souzoukyuuketsu July 26 2009, 20:56:51 UTC
Hey =D

Great review ^^

(about my blog : http://caliburn.over-blog.com/ here. And I had to give you the link to something but I can't remember what...)


souzoukyuuketsu July 26 2009, 20:58:48 UTC
Oh, I forgot :

for the prompt : Draco/Draco / "Sweet cheeks"

(Quoi ? =DDDDDD )

Et puis : normalement les musées sont gratuits les premiers dimanches du mois... Ca te dit de faire un musée le premier dimanche d'août, si mon emploi du temps (que j'aurai le 3) me le permet ?


babydracky July 26 2009, 21:25:19 UTC
Okay! Interesting prompt XDXD

OH! Ben oui ce serait avec plaisir oo Par contre le premier dimanche d'août c'est le 2 Oo Et je crois que je suis prise ce jour-là déjà TOT


souzoukyuuketsu July 26 2009, 23:27:24 UTC
Ah je suis con XD et puis moi je serai en train de prendre l'avion pour rentrer sur Paris donc ça va pas XD beh premier dimanche de septembre (si on n'est pas à Pierrefonds XD


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