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babydracky July 26 2009, 21:28:56 UTC
I totally agree with you. Tom made an amazing work! He really played his Draco like I was imagining myself!♥♥♥
It felt so good!!!
Yeah! I'm so mad about it! I mean... They kind of ruined Tom's work here! He played an amazing Draco and in the end he is just a coward! TOT

Oh! But I agree! Harry/Ginny was more credible in the movie than in the book (not difficult, tough) BUT for me their love story is still not credible. Cause Harry didn't even look at her until this movie and at the very beginning he was already in love. I didn't like it -_-

Yupe! I hope I'll find good ones! ÖÖ

Okay for the prompt!^^


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babydracky July 27 2009, 08:25:28 UTC
True enough... But really... You know it's disappointed because they've done rather well during the whole movie and at the end they broke my little heart!
*you can imagine BabyD screaming "suckeeeeeeeeeeeers!!!!" in the theater xD*

Oh yeah! Hermione and Ron are just so cute together!!! I've loved the pairing since the first book^^

Oh yeah! Irresistible Poison was good!!!
I didn't read any Harry/Draco myself for a very loooooooong time... But I suppose I'll read some now^^



raspberry_pop July 26 2009, 22:19:37 UTC
I can't help it, I'm so fickle. Tom Felton almost replaced Bradley James for me in HBP and I'm working on a Harry Potter fic now. (is ashamed) but I have to say, it was a good movie, loads better than Phoenix, in my opinion xD

And Drabble!
Pairing: Draco Malfoy / Tom Riddle (as in before he became Voldemort) Prompt: Riches. (what kind I'll leave to you<3)



babydracky July 27 2009, 08:18:26 UTC
Oh noes! Don't forget about James!XD
I really liked Tom in this movie, he is a stunning actor^^ And I've always liked Draco^^
And I kind of dislike the OotP movie so... Yeah! That one was far much better!^^

Really? You're writing about Draco? ÖÖ
Oooooh!!! I can't wait!

Okay! ÖÖ
Interesting prompt, hon♥


raspberry_pop July 27 2009, 19:37:29 UTC
Well, Draco/Harry to be specific, but it's mostly from Draco's POV. XDD.
I've been toying with that prompt in my head for a while..but haven't been able to do anything with it. Hopefully you have better luck ;)

And of course I won't forget about Dear Bradley ^_^


babydracky July 28 2009, 08:31:05 UTC
I love Draco/Harry's fics!
The first stories in chapters I ever wrote was about them! ;)
Draco's POV sounds good ÖÖ

I keep my little fingers cross and I hope I'll succeed to write you something you like!♥



morelindele July 26 2009, 22:35:43 UTC
Tiens c'est marrant qu'il soit de dos sur l'affiche ^^
Le film était bien mais un peu long pour moi ^^ Mais je comprends que tu aies aimé lol
Ma scène préférée a été celle où Dumbledore a déchainé les flammes sur les Gollums =)
Et notons tout de même la bonne surprise qu'il y ait au moins un rôle que Daniel Radcliffe sache jouer : celui du neuneu !


babydracky July 27 2009, 08:37:23 UTC
J'aime bien^^ Je trouve que ça fait très classe et c'est sûrement pour conserver le mystère^^
C'est vrai qu'il y avait quelques longueurs dans le film... Et surtout carrément trop de bécotages ToT
Ben déjà c'était mon livre préféré et j'ai bien aimé l'adaptation. Le fait que Tom ait assuré comme une bête aide.
Ouais... Trop la classe Dumbledore oo
Ouah... Moi je le dis haut et fort, il devrait jouer sous extas!


itsanonyx July 26 2009, 22:50:46 UTC
I didn't remember much of the book so it wasn't that bad for me about all the fact that was missing or wrong. :o)

I never liked Draco but I became a little fan because of Tom's acting. He did a brilliant job. <3

Today / Tomorrow I'll watch the movie again with my mother. :o)

Tom Riddle is so awesome, isn't he? :o) <3


babydracky July 27 2009, 08:40:07 UTC
To say the truth I don't remember the book that well... I remembered Draco's quote because I really liked it -_- So it was disappointed for me ToT

I'm happy to know that you liked Tom/Draco in this movie. He really was convincing and brilliant^^

Oh!!! Enjoy it with your mum, hon!♥

Tom Riddle was interesting and he definitely was creepy! Even if I did prefer Christian Coulson... But he was good!

Do you want a little drabble?^^


itsanonyx July 27 2009, 23:34:34 UTC
Tom Riddle was interesting and he definitely was creepy! Even if I did prefer Christian Coulson... But he was good!

I already liked Tom Riddle because of the second movie. He was the best character in the movie. Although I always was a Potter-Girl. :o)

Do you want a little drabble?^^

Tom Riddle & Lily Potter!

I always had my own theory why Voldemort killed Lily Potter. :o) Maybe I can tell you about it. :o)


babydracky July 28 2009, 08:19:25 UTC
Tom Riddle was brilliant in the second movie! ^O^ I totally fell for him xD
I like Harry myself^^ Even if I'm a Malfoy!Girl xD

Oh... Interesting pairing oo (Any prompt in mind?)
Sure! I would like to hear it! Tell me^^


heera_ookami July 27 2009, 07:47:46 UTC
... L'affiche elle pete la classe oO

J'avoue que j'en ai vu une partie du film mais que j'ai vite saturé.

Nan mais sérieux, que quelqu'un achève Harry quoi !!! Il m'éneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerve !!

Alors qu'ils montrent enfin Blaise et qu'il est classe comme je l'imaginais <3. Et Ginny n'est qu'une petite garce >_________>


babydracky July 27 2009, 08:15:11 UTC
Oui j'aime beaucoup cette affiche!♥
Je la trouve vraiment très classe ÖÖ

Moi j'ai bien aimé^^
Il est un peu longuet par moment mais personnellement j'ai passé un très bon moment.
Bon maintenant je n'aurais pas été contre moins de bécotage oo

J'aime assez Harry... Sauf dans le dernier volume malheureusement... Mais alors Daniel Radcliffe j'ai eu une bonne surprise... En fait faut juste lui faire jouer le neuneu, surtout pas de scènes émotives XD

Blaise est beau garçon en effet^^
J'aime bien Ginny... Mais je ne trouve pas qu'elle ait été développée de manière intéressante dans le film...

Pas de drabbles? xD


heera_ookami July 27 2009, 18:04:34 UTC

Blaise est PARFAIT ! Exactement comme je l'imaginais ! *________*

Et Ginny ça m'enerve surtout à cause de tout ce que Dean prends dans la tête à cause d'elle >o<

Oh oui drabble !!!

BlaiseDean ? <3

Et si ce n'est point possible un MarcusOliver ?

Et en prompt "solution" ? XD


babydracky July 28 2009, 08:33:50 UTC
Blaise/Dean? Pourquoi ça ne serait pas possible? Tout est possible. xD
C'est l'avantage avec moi c'est que rien ne m'est horrifiant XD
Donc! Une BlaiseDean pour la demoiselle ÖÖ


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