Bradley/Colin - Le choc des cultures (PG)

Jun 22, 2009 00:54

My very first Bradley/Colin fic.
For my beloved mrsleary♥♥♥♥

Title - Le choc des cultures
Fandom - RPS
Pairing - Bradley/Colin
Rating - PG
Prompt - Cultural misunderstandings for mrsleary
Anytime for you, hon♥ And you do know where that one came from :p
Summary - Bradley and Colin met some French fangirls and just don't really got it xD
Notes - No Beta. English ( Read more... )

[actors] - bradley james, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [prompts], [actors] - colin morgan, [pairing] - bradley/colin, [fandom] - rps

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Comments 41

fresica June 21 2009, 23:14:12 UTC
lol Oh, how cute! Confused!Bradley is too adorable! *squishes him*


babydracky June 21 2009, 23:20:04 UTC
Thank you! ;)
I'm happy you like it!
Confused!Bradley is too adorable for words!


ronsoftie June 21 2009, 23:21:55 UTC
Awww, how adorable ♥ *pets Bradley*


babydracky June 21 2009, 23:33:05 UTC
Thanks! ;)))
xD I love your avatar! How accurate! :p


ronsoftie June 21 2009, 23:47:16 UTC
*g* Yeah, I was scrolling down my icons and thought, "Hey, that one never was more fitting than right now!" ;)


babydracky June 22 2009, 07:53:01 UTC
Well, I have to admit that I would love to teach Bradley French customs! :p:p:p


raspberry_pop June 21 2009, 23:42:35 UTC
That last bit was sooo cute!! -cue squee-


babydracky June 22 2009, 07:54:11 UTC
Thank you, hon♥
I'm happy you like it!!


aleluna187 June 21 2009, 23:52:44 UTC
Lovely !;-D Très joli !


babydracky June 22 2009, 07:55:32 UTC
Merci! ^_______________^


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babydracky June 22 2009, 07:56:49 UTC
Thank you so much, sugar!

I'm happy you liked it!

And, well, something I'd love to teach Bradley! :p You know to share cultures... Herm xD


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babydracky June 22 2009, 08:08:12 UTC
Well... You're more than welcome to teach Colin and happy you he is a fast learner ÖÖ
(I so shouldn't dream about that so early in the morning and especially at work xD


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