Bradley/Colin - Le choc des cultures (PG)

Jun 22, 2009 00:54

My very first Bradley/Colin fic.
For my beloved mrsleary♥♥♥♥

Title - Le choc des cultures
Fandom - RPS
Pairing - Bradley/Colin
Rating - PG
Prompt - Cultural misunderstandings for mrsleary
Anytime for you, hon♥ And you do know where that one came from :p
Summary - Bradley and Colin met some French fangirls and just don't really got it xD
Notes - No Beta. English isn't my mother tongue.

Le choc des cultures*

“May I kiss you?”

Colin and Bradley gaped at the cute young girl standing in front of them who couldn’t have been more than fourteen.

“What? Sorry, what?” asked Bradley.

His brain had definitely shut down and Colin was gazing at the girl, the split image of a dying fish, red to the end of his ears.

“A kiss” the girl repeated a cute and gentle smile on her juvenile face.

“C’est quoi leur problème?”* said the girl’s friend sighting loudly and Bradley barely caught the word problem.

Sure there was a problem. A cute little girl, definitely not legal, asked Colin, for God’s sake! Colin! to snog her! Those French people really were strange with all their kissing customs.

Libertine thought Bradley was indeed a French word.

“You know…A kiss on the cheek” explained the first girl, deeply blushing now, a finger on her cheek.

A peck, she meant a peck from the beginning!

Couldn’t she have said so? No! French people wouldn’t have the decency to learn to talk English properly; they were enjoying mistreating English language. Bradley was pretty sure of that. Because he would gladly admit that he didn’t understand a word of French but he still barely understood French people when they’re speaking in so-called English.

So, Colin gave that cute little girl a peck on the cheek and she gave him three more. What for? Bradley couldn’t have told. What was that again? No surprise English and French have always been at war. They know how to fight against each other. That was easier. He nods convinced of his theory.

Later that night Bradley walked back Colin to his chamber.

“May I kiss you?” he asked Colin, grinning because the pale Irish boy turned a very deep shade of red again.

“Well…” Colin is biting his lower lip in a surprisingly endearing way “Only if you do it the proper and famous French way”

How could Bradley not fulfill Colin’s request? French customs weren’t all so bad after all.


* Le choc des cultures : (Culture Shock)
*“C’est quoi leur problème?” : (What's their problem?/What's wrong with them?)

[actors] - bradley james, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [prompts], [actors] - colin morgan, [pairing] - bradley/colin, [fandom] - rps

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